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Here we show you how to build your vocabulary and how to guess the meaning of new words. A prefix is added at the front of words to make new ones. Knowing the meanings of prefixes will help you to guess the meanings of words. Below are ten common prefixes, what they mean and some examples.

Prefix Meaning Examples
anti- against anti-war, anti-smoking
co- joint / with cooperation, co-worker
dis- opposite / not disagree, disabled
ex- former ex-job, ex-wife
em- in employed, empowered
in- / il- / im- / ir- opposite / not illegal, irrelevant
mis- wrong misunderstand, misinform
post- after postpone, post-graduate
re- again repeat, rerun
un- opposite / not /reverse unbelievable, untie


  • Is 'immature' spelt correctly here?

  • 'Post-' means:

  • Which of these means 'not necessary'?

  • Which of the these means 'not responsible'?

  • Which of these means 'not polite'?

  • Which of these is NOT a real word?

  • If you 'disobey' someone you: