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G.24 - Adverbs

Conjunctive Adverbs

Average: 1.8 (297 votes)

Run-on sentences happen when there are two independent clauses not separated by any form of punctuation. The error can sometimes be corrected by adding a period, semicolon, or colon to separate the two sentences.

e.g. Incorrect: My car is expensive I spent a lot of money on it.
Correct: My car is expensive. I spent a lot of money on it.

Elementary Level: Ever or Never

Average: 2.1 (221 votes)

Time for a review of ever and never.

Ever means 'at any time'and is used in questions.

Use ever with nothing, nobody for things that haven not happened before. "Nobody has ever seen me dance!"

Ever is also used with 'the first time' for first experiences. "This is the first time I've ever been abroad."

Use never when you have not had an experience: "I have never been to France."

Simple Adverbs

Average: 3.6 (59 votes)

Adverbs describe the way an action is completed and are commonly thought of as 'y' words.

For example, the adverb form of the adjective loud is loudly.

How well can you remember them? In each sentence, replace the adjective with the correct adverb (and be careful with your spelling):

Lesson by Caroline

Common Adverbs

Average: 3.5 (20 votes)

An adverb is a word that describes a verb.

It tells you about an action, or the way something is done.

A lot of adverbs end in -ly.

For example:

The baby is sleeping soundly.

It is raining heavily.

9 Adverbs

Insert an adverb below into the spaces in the sentences. Only use each adverb once.

Both, neither, either? Pre-Intermediate Level

Average: 3.8 (74 votes)

Adjective or Adverb? Elementary Level

Average: 3.2 (22 votes)

These two groups of words are often confused because they look and sound very similar. For example the adverb of quick is quickly. Remember,
Adverbs describe a VERB.
Adjectives describe a NOUN.

As a general rule to change an adjective to an adverb we add ‘ly’ and these are the adverbs we will focus on today. In the following sentences do we need an adjective or an adverb?

Today's lesson is by Caroline

So and Neither

Average: 3.8 (149 votes)

Cartoon - Ahead

Average: 3.4 (7 votes)


This month let's take a look at the word ahead. In the cartoon go on a head means put on, but this what we can mean by ahead:

Quick Tip - How to use Either and Neither

Average: 3.2 (74 votes)

Compare the following comparative sentences:

"I'd like to go to either Spain or Italy."

"The problem is I have neither time nor money.'

How to use adverbs

Average: 3.3 (296 votes)

'He carefully held his granddaughter.'

Adverbs are used to give us more information and are used  to modify verbs, clauses and other adverbs.

The difficulty with identifying adverbs is that they can appear in different places in a sentence.