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V.11 Synonyms and Antonyms

Antonyms - Choose the opposite meanings

Average: 3.3 (21 votes)

Take a look at these ten words and choose the opposites (antonyms).

near: "I live near here. It will only take a couple of minutes to get home."

quiet: "The house is quiet when everyone has left for work or school."

5 Synonyms

Average: 3.9 (20 votes)

 A short quiz for you today. Take a look at the five sentences and choose which word has the closest meaning to the key-word.

How many of you can get all five correct?

Link: 10 Prepositions Questions

English Vocab Challenge! Can you get 10/10?

Average: 3.3 (8 votes)

It seems that you users of our site like taking vocabulary exercises that test your general knowledge. Here's another quiz that looks at common words and expressions that you'll find English speakers frequently using. You might not see all these words in traditional English textbooks, but I promise you they are useful.

There are 10 questions all featuring words that are sometimes confused by English learners.

Take the quiz and tell us how many you got correct. Can anyone get 10/10? Be honest - no cheating.

AWL Academic Word List Test

Average: 2.1 (12 votes)

There are 570 headwords on this list (proposed by Averil Coxhead at the School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand), which is said to contain the most frequently occurring vocabulary in academic contexts. Starting with the letter 'A', test your familiarity with ten words on the AWL.

Choose the word or expression that differs in meaning from the given word:

In the news: man pretends to be his dead mother!

Average: 2.8 (13 votes)

Read the following news story and complete the exercise underneath. Some other key-words are linked to the Cambridge Online Dictionary:

A strange story surfaced in the American media this week about a New York man who was arrested for pretending to be his dead mother. Why would someone do something like that? For money, of course!

Culture Lesson - Staying in Cape Town

Average: 2.7 (10 votes)

An EC student has been learning English at EC Cape Town. While he was there he stayed in Mountain View Residence. Read what he thought about his accommodation and take the key word quiz.

Learn English Vocabulary

Average: 3.6 (8 votes)

Here's a quiz to help you learn English words. Choose the words that have the closest meaning to the key words. Only choose one word per question.

Link: Learn More English Words

Learn English Words

Average: 3.5 (46 votes)

Another chance for you to learn some new, English words. All you have to do is, decide which word has the closet meaning to the key-word.

Link: Verb Tense Review


Want to learn new words?

Average: 3.2 (54 votes)

Let's see how good your vocabulary is and maybe introduce you to some new words. Try and match the key word to its closet meaning. There are four choices for each word; only one is correct. Good luck.

Link: Try another vocab quiz

Reading - A Tale of Two Cities

Average: 3.5 (8 votes)

One of my personal favourites for you today; read the very famous introduction to Charles Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities and try and guess the correct missing words.