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V.7 - Formulaic language (chunks of language)

Asking for advice

Average: 1.9 (273 votes)

Summer's officially here in Europe and rest of the northern hemisphere. In Malta the weather's amazing and there are already plenty of tourists around soaking up the sun and relaxing on the beaches.

When you arrive in a new place it's always a good idea to ask the locals for advice on the best things to see and do. Maltese people are exceptionally friendly and more than happy to give visitors advice. If you ever come here, don't be shy to ask for a recommendation!

Listening practice: What's happening?

Average: 3.6 (74 votes)
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Here are some common colour idioms and expressions. Are any of these similar in your language?

black idioms

black and white

When something is black and white it is very clear to understand and decide if you think it is good or bad.

'This is a black and white situation. You are either with us or against us.'

Upper Int : What are euphemisms?

Average: 2.5 (20 votes)

'She was happy to hear that there would be no lay offs at her company.'

A euphemism is a word or phrase that we use instead of a more direct, unpleasant word. Euphemisms are used when we talk about difficult subject matters like death, for example.