There are many idioms in English that include a mode of transport or a verb used with transport. For example:
"This course is really hard, but at least we are all in the same boat."
In other words, we are all in the same situation. What do you think the missing words are in these idioms? Good luck!
Can you write a definition of what each idiom means?
About a month ago we looked at animal idioms, now lets look at idioms that use parts of the body. For example,
"She was talking about medicine, but it all went completely over my head."
Nothing was thrown over somebody’s head! This is an expression meaning that something was too difficult for you to understand.
Meaning: to fail to get an answer or a result; be unsuccessful.
There are loads of idioms in the English language that include animals. Many of you will have heard of the famous 'it's raining cats and dogs', especially if you are studying in England! Of course it's not really raining cats and dogs, it's just raining a lot.
All you need to do is decide which animal from the list goes with which idiom.
Why don't you also post what the literal meaning of these idioms are! Enjoy!
Today's lesson is by Caroline
Today's vocabulary comes from BBC News "Hung parliament: Bear with us, urges Nick Clegg"
"Nick Clegg has asked people to "bear with us" as the Lib Dems and the Tories enter a third day of negotiations.
nerves (noun) are a group of long thin fibres that carry information or instructions between the brain and other parts of the body. A nerve is like an electric cable that passes electric current. When your hand touches a something hot, the hand sends the feeling to the brain through nerves.
You don't have to be a doctor to use the word nerve because it is used in a few natural English expressions you should know.
Here's part of a conversation I overheard in the office this morning.
Take a look at this sentence which appears on businessweek's website report on an official visit by a US politician to China:
"U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner’s visit to Beijing is a “very encouraging” development that offers an “olive branch” to China ahead of a series of meetings."
Here are five idioms and phrases that are useful when talking about education.
To memorise something in such a way that you can say it from memory.
"I learnt the poem by heart."
To succeed easily, with a very high mark or grade.
"I'm confident that Jenny will pass her English exam with flying colours."