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Can you choose the correct Personal Pronoun?

Average: 4 (14 votes)

What's a personal pronoun?

In English, personal pronouns are used instead of nouns for 'people' and 'things'.

They are used so that we don't repeat the same words over and over again. Let's look at an example using the noun picture:

What do you do? Jobs vocabulary!

Average: 3.1 (9 votes)

When someone asks you "What do you do?" they mean "What is your job"?

Let's take a look at a few jobs! Do you know what these people do?

Link: In the travel agency: booking a package holiday

Link: What's a 'relative clause'?

In the news: Oscar night

Average: 3.9 (19 votes)

What's the difference between I and Me?

Average: 3.7 (74 votes)

Both I and me are personal pronouns.

I is a subject prounoun and it's used for the subject of the sentence. He, she, we, it, they and you are also subject pronouns.

"Hugo and I work in the same office"  - 'Hugo and I' are the subject.

In the news: 13-year-old father

Average: 3.7 (10 votes)

Antonyms: what's the opposite?

Average: 3.4 (22 votes)

Here we take a look at antonyms. An antonym is basically the opposite word of another. For example the antonym of big is small, or the antonym of tall is short. Check out the following ten words and choose the correct antonym:

Link: Antonyms: choose the opposite word

How to learn new words!

Average: 3.9 (26 votes)

Ask it right - Auxiliary Verbs in questions

Average: 3 (63 votes)

Read through the following questions; each one is missing an auxiliary verb. Choose the correct verb for each question.

Auxiliary verbs (also known as 'helping verbs') include be, do and have. They are used along with the main verb in a sentence to make questions, negative statements, passives and tenses.

Australian Bushfires

there's something it's not perfectly clear to me in the reading regarding Australian bushfires.The words which are not perfectly clear to me are included in double quotes.

1)what's a "bushfire"?

2)Furthermore I don't understand the exact meaning of the verb "scour". I would like to know if it is a word which is strictly related to the actual operation of a rescue team, whilst searching for victims of a disaster and related to how the search action is performed actually.

3)"Trapped-some" in their cars.I understand Trapped" but not the added "some".

Can you choose the correct word form?

Average: 3.5 (31 votes)

You probably know lot's of English words, and that each word can have different forms depending on the sentence structure. Put your understanding of English language grammar to the test with this exercise! Read through the ten sentences and choose the correct form for each missing word.

Link: Can you guess the tenses?