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Web Search - Looking for information online

Average: 2.9 (29 votes)

Thorpe Park is a theme park located in Surrey, England. It is the second most popular theme park in the UK.

Thorpe Park is one of my favourite places! I love roller-coasters and the ones at Thorpe Park are amazing.

In this lesson, you will need to visit the Thorpe Park website and search for the answers to the questions below.

Think carefully about which sections of the website you will find the answers in.

Do you have motivation?

Average: 4 (7 votes)

People who compete in sports have to be really motivated to achieve their goals and develop as athletes.

Motivation is also really important for people learning English.

This article gives some great tips on goal-setting and pushing yourself to get where you want to.

Read through the article and then fill the gaps with the correct vocabulary.

I have given you the definitions of the words to help you.

Lesson by Caroline

Phrasal Verbs with Break

Average: 1.5 (94 votes)

Phrasal verbs are one of the most difficult things to learn in English, because changing the preposition can completely change the meaning of the verb.

Here are 7 break phrasal verbs:

What's a Hen Party?

Average: 3.8 (10 votes)

In England, it is custom for the bride to have a 'Hen-do' and the man to have a 'stag-do'.

It just happens that I am going to my first hen party this weekend!

Read the article about hen and stag do's and try and fit the vocabulary in the correct gaps.

Have you ever been to a hen or stag do? How did it go? Let us know!

Lesson by Caroline

Relative Clauses

Average: 3.6 (20 votes)

We form Relative Clauses by using relative pronouns and relative pronouns to join two clauses together.

Relative Pronouns


Who is a subject or object pronoun for people.

"Have you met the man who works with me?"


Whose is a possessive for people animals and things.


Average: 3.5 (15 votes)

Hey guess what it's nearly my birthday! Well...in October...Ok so it's not nearly my birthday but when it is please can one of you lovely people buy me one of these incredible cakes!

This article is all about a man who makes art works out of cakes!

Read the article and complete the gaps with the correct vocabulary.

Then go and buy yourself some cake.

Go on, you deserve it.

Lesson by Caroline Devane

Lend or Borrow

Average: 3.7 (94 votes)

These two verbs cause a great amount of confusion!

Do you know how to use them?

Remember these helpful tips:

You borrow something from somebody. In other words, you take something from someone for a limited time.

You lend something to somebody. In other words, you give something to someone for a limited time.

Do you speak British or American English?

Average: 3.5 (26 votes)

Chris and I are both from the UK and therefore speak in British English.

There are quite a few differences between the two, including some of the vocabulary!

In Britain if you tell someone you 'wore your new pants to work', they may give you a funny look because in British English pants are underwear (we say trousers in the UK).

Therefore, it is important to try and learn both the British and American options.

Do you have Stress?

Average: 3.3 (8 votes)

People keep shouting 'chillax' at me as I run from job to job like a headless chicken.

I'd love to, honestly, but sometimes having five jobs can be very exhausting!

Unfortunately, this is clearly bad for my health and generally, the more relaxed we are, the more healthy and happy we are too.

Read through this article and see if you can fit the missing words in the correct gaps. Remember, don't stress if you find it difficult - chillax!

Adverbs of Time

Average: 2.1 (209 votes)

Adverbs are words that tell you more about verbs, adjectives and other adverbs.

Many adverbs end in ly. You make these adverbs by adding ly to adjectives.

Some adverbs and adverb phrases answer the question "when?" They are called adverbs of time.

For example:

"I am going to my new school tomorrow."