Anyone I've ever taught will know how much I love chocolate. But they may not know, that I also love the British sandwich spread Marmite. Especially on toast with cheese...
However, I’m not sure how I feel about this new invention, marmite chocolate! Read this article and see if you can fit in the missing words. Can you think of any other ‘very peculiar’ food combinations?
Lesson by Caroline
To Get The Upper Hand
If you get the upper hand, you take a dominant position.
There is still some question as to where this saying comes from, but it is generally acknowledged that the phrase originated from American children in playgrounds.
In order to determine who gets first choice of player for their teams when playing baseball, one team captain grabs the bat at the bottom, and then the other captain takes hold above the first’s hand.
Excuse my French
This phrase is used in conversation when someone swears or curses, and is a request for forgiveness for using taboo language.
Of course, both the speaker and the listener are very much aware that whatever was said was in English and not French.
The expression originates from the 19th century, and was used literally.
Learning prepositions is not easy! There are so many rules and exceptions to follow. The best option is look at how prepositions are used in full sentences rather than looking at them on their own.
The more time you spend reading, listening and speaking English, the easier it becomes to use prepositions
Today we are going to focus on vocabulary. I’ve written a list of words and their definitions above the article. All you need to do is decide which word completes which gap.
I chose to use this song for this week’s lessons due to the title. Of course, in reality, teachers never argue...ever. However, there is a massive difference to this lesson. Instead of filling in missing gaps, I’m going to give you some words and you need to find the synonyms (the words with the same meaning) in the lyrics. Good luck!
Lesson by Caroline
English has many two-word verbs, made up of a verb and a small word like at, in, on, up. Two-word verbs (phrasal verbs) are very common in an informal style and used by native speakers constantly!
Put down: Stop holding
"Slowly put down the gun and keep your hands where I can see them."
"She finished reading the newspaper and put it down on the table."
We use can't put something down as an idiom to describe something we are reading that is so interesting that we don't want to stop reading it.
A chat up line (or pick-up line in America) is a humourous phrase that someone says to start a conversation with a person they are attracted to.
Chat up lines are an essential part of British pub culture, often used by men and women alike to compliment or start a conversation with someone they are interested in.
They are also, absolutely hilarious!
So here's a fun lesson which contains some of my favourite chat up lines, but with one word missing.
Can you choose which word goes in each one?
This tutorial tests your ability to use a key structure that is often tested in the Use of English paper. Check your answers by clicking on 'Show Answers' below.
Today's lesson comes from Chris Tang who teaches CAE courses in London.
1) Read the following text in which a student describes the advice given by their teacher about the speaking exam: