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10 Prepositions Questions!

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You're always asking for more prepositions practice so here you are: 10 prepositions questions.

Simply choose the correct missing preposition in each sentence.

There are lot's of other preposition exercises on this site. Here are some links:

Prepositions Test

Prepositions plus '-ing'

Mixed Preposition Quiz

  • I'll arrive sometime ___ 8 and 9 am.

  • The shops here are open ___ 9am until 5pm.

  • They should be ready to go ___ 20 minutes.

  • She wants to stay ___ home tonight.

  • Did you watch the football ___ TV last night?

  • Do you always come to work ___ bike?

  • I read the news ___ the newspaper.

  • I'll be in the office ___ 5pm.

  • You must have this report finished ___ Monday.

  • I haven't had a call from him ___ last Wednesday.