Here's the last lesson in our A to Z of adjectives! As always, I hope you'll find some that you recognise and some that you need to learn.
Look at the sentences and decide which adjective fits in each sentence.
To finish, see if you can make your own sentences with the adjectives that are new to you. Good luck!
Lesson by Caroline
Queasy - having a sick feeling in the stomach.
Restful - peaceful and quiet in a way that makes you relax.
Sober - not drunk.
Tricky - difficult to do.
Upbeat - positive and cheerful : happy and hopeful.
Vain - too proud of your own appearance.
Wholesome - good for your health.
Xenophobic - fear or hatred of strangers or people from foreign counties.
Yummy - (informal) delicious.
Zany - very strange and silly.
Now choose the best adjective in each sentence: