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All about Adjectives

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Adjectives are used to give us more information about nouns.

Blue cars
Young children
Difficult questions

Adjective Order

When using more than one adjective, you should use this order: size/shape + age + color + origin + material.

A small wooden box
An old Russian painting


To make many opposite adjectives we use the prefixes un, in, or dis at the start of the word.

believable – unbelievable
complete - incomplete

Comparatives and Superlatives

We use comparative adjectives to compare to nouns.

My sister is older than me
Short one-syllable words usually take er to make the comparative.

I think dogs are more intelligent than cats.
Longer words take more to make the comparative.

The town is even dirtier than I remember.
For adjectives that end in y, change the y to i and add er.

The superlative form is made by adding -est or most

Small – smaller –smallest
Beautiful – more beautiful – most beautiful

Extreme Adjectives

Adjectives that already express an extreme do not take a comparative or superlative. For example, when something is very cold we say that it is freezing.

Turn the heater on; it’s freezing in this room.
We cannot say: It’s more freezing than yesterday, or It’s very freezing in here.


Participle verb forms can be adjectives.

A bored student - the -ed tells us how the student feels i.e. He feels bored.
A boring student - the ing tells describes the students i.e. He is boring, don't talk to him!

It can be difficult to remember which prepositions to use with -ed form.

I'm scared of spiders.
She's interested in art.
They were satisfied with the service.
We were excited by the news.

Now take this short adjective quiz:

  • 1) My sister speaks ___.

  • 2) Which is correct?

  • 3) What's the ___ way to get there?

  • 4) We felt ___ after our long run.

  • 5) All this rain is ___.

  • 6) We are all frustrated ___ the situation

  • 7) This road is ___ when it rains.

  • 8) You speak ___ English.

  • 9) The pollution gets ___ every year.

  • 10) Your shoes are ___! How did you get them so dirty?