Store is used in AmE (American English). Shop is used in BrE (British English)
Highway is AmE. Motorway is BrE.
Trousers is BrE. Pants is AmE
This is a spelling difference. 'Neighbourhood' is BrE. 'Neighborhood (without a u is AmE). Another example is 'colour.'
The preposition at is used with 'the weekend' in BrE. AmE is 'on the weekend'.
The preposition on is used with 'a team' in AmE. BrE is 'in a team'.
Boot is BrE. Trunk is AmE.
A spelling difference: 'recognize' -ize is AmE. -ise is BrE. Another example is 'organize / organise'.
In AmE the definite article is not always needed, in BrE it is: My young brother can't tell the time.
In AmE the sport is called soccer. In BrE it is called football. British men hate it being called soccer, so be careful!! :)
1. I want to go to the store before it closes.
2. There was a traffic jam on the highway.
3. I like your trousers. Are they new?
4. I live in a quiet neighbourhood.
5. What did you do at the weekend?
6. I play on a team.
7. I keep my tools in the boot of my car.
8. I didn't recognize you!
9. My young brother can't tell time.
10. Do you like soccer?
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