Can you guess what the missing words are in this sentence:
"52 w___ in a y___."
Did you guess right? The correct sentence should read '52 weeks in a year'.
Take a look at the following ten sentences and try and guess the missing words (click on show answers to see the answers):
- 4 s___ in a y___.
- 30 d___ in S___.
- 32 t___ in a m___.
- 26 l___ in the E___ a___.
- 50 s___ on the A___ f___.
- 206 b___ in the h___ b___.
- 88 k___ on a p___.
- 52 c___ in a p___ of p___ c___.
- 11 p___ in a f___ t___.
- 44 P___ of A___.
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- 4 seasons in a year.
- 30 days in September
- 32 teeth in a mouth.
- 26 letters in the English alphabet
- 50 stars on the American flag.
- 206 bones in the human body.
- 88 keys on a piano.
- 52 cards in a pack of playing cards.
- 11 players in a football team.
- 44 Presidents of America (Obama is number 44)