Here are ten useful words for talking about health. Read through the list of words below and see if you can fit them into the correct sentence.
Midwife - a person (usually a woman) who helps a woman when she is giving birth to a child.
Bruise - (noun) a dark and painful area on your skin that is caused by an injury. It often changes colour as it gets better.
Ache - (noun) a pain.
Disease - (noun) an illness that affects a person.
Plaster - (noun) a piece of material that is put on the skin over a small wound.
Nauseous - (adjective) feeling like you are about to vomit (throw up).
Prescription - (noun) a written message from a doctor that says which medicine you need.
Injection - (noun) the process of using a needle to put a drug or medicine into the body through the skin.
Cough - (noun) a short loud noise that is made through your mouth when you are sick. Cigarette smoke may make you cough.
Painful - (adjective) - something that hurts you or causes pain is painful.
Now choose the correct missing word in each sentence: