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How to use 'contractions'

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How to sue contractions

'I've got a new TV. You've seen it, haven't you?'

In spoken English and casual written English, contractions are very common. In these words the apostrophe    ( ) tells us that letters are missing.

 Here are some examples:



Contraction Meaning

I’m going home

I am

I’ll see you later

I will
I’ve got a headache I have
It’s raining It is
It's finished It has
Let's open it Let us
Paul’s here Paul is
Tracey's gone Tracy has
You’re the oldest 
You are
I’m here I am
You’ll be next You will
We’ve been waiting We have
I’d love a coffee I would
He'd lost his key he had



Negative forms

-n't makes the negative form:


Contraction Meaning
He isn’t coming is not
We aren’t interested are not
Tim wasn’t listening was not
They weren’t good enough were not
I can’t believe it can not
Paul won’t eat will not
I shan’t take a day off shall not
Don’t open it do not
Tina doesn’t understand does not
I didn’t remember did not
I couldn’t open the door could not
They wouldn’t believe me would not
You shouldn’t smoke should not
I haven’t been to Italy have not
Andre hasn’t seen it has not
We hadn’t heard the news had not
You mustn’t talk must not
You needn’t come need not
I daren’t watch dare not