Here's a quiz that uses easily confused words. Choose the correct missing word for each sentence.
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Effect is the noun, affect is the verb form.
Alot is not a word! It is always a lot.
Prove means 'to show that something is true'. Improve means 'to make something better.
It's means 'it is' (or 'it has'). Its is a possessive pronoun which shows ownership/ possession. Other possessive pronouns include: 'mine', 'yours' and 'ours'.
Lose is the opposite of 'win'. Loose means 'too big' and is the opposite of 'tight'.
Son means a male child. Sun is the big, hot, yellow thing in the sky! Easy! Easy! Easy!
Accept means to 'agree', 'believe' or 'take'. Except means 'apart from'. e.g. "Everyone except Andrew went to the party."
Their is a possessive pronoun like its in the definition above. It shows ownership of something. i.e. 'Their car' means 'the car that belongs to them'. There an adverb which describes a place. Here is also an adverb which describes a place.
All ready is a phrase meaning 'completely prepared' e.g. "When I put my shoes on, I will be all ready."Already is an adverb used to describe something that has happened before a certain time. e.g. "Haven't you finished yet? I'm already finished?
A site is a place where something happens. Sight relates to being able to see.
3 - They could not ___ that he really stole the car.
4 - ___ starting to get cold.
5 - I hope my team don't ___ again.
6 - She took her ___ to the park.
7 - We had no choice but to ___ the plan.
8 - They always keep ___ car parked in the garage.
9 - The papers are ___ to be sent to the publisher.
10 - This is the ___ where they found the dinosaur bones.
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