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Learn English Noun and Adjective Endings

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By knowing typical endings of words that identify nouns, adjectives, or adverbs, students can improve their vocabulary quickly and easily. This will also greatly improve reading comprehension. If you are reading, and come across a word that you don't know, follow these steps:

  1. try to identify the part of speech (noun, adjective, adverb, verb, preposition, conjunction, pronoun, or interjection).
  2. look at the root for similarities to known words.
  3. if possible, try to determine if the word is adding something positive or negative to the sentence.
  4. don't forget about your native language since English and may other languages share Greek and Latin roots.
  5. look at the prefix for added meaning (I will cover this in a future article).
  6. use context clues to aid in comprehension.

Don't give up so easily when you see new words.  With a little thought, time, and effort, I have seen many students answer their own question: "Teacher, what does ______ mean?"

Use the following list as a general guide to help you identify and form nouns and adjectives.  Adverbs often end in -ly, but some words can have the same form for different parts of speech.  For example, fast is both an adjective and an adverb.

Here are some typical endings used for nouns and adjectives:


  • er – player
  • ice – justice
  • ness – happiness
  • sion – division
  • ance – finance
  • ment – government
  • hood – neighborhood 
  • dom – freedom
  • cy – hesitancy
  • ist – florist
  • ity – charity
  • ship – friendship


  • ful – wonderful
  • eous – gorgeous
  • y – funny
  • ish – childish
  • ble – workable
  • ial – dictatorial
  • ent – different
  • less – useless
  • ng – exciting
  • ly – friendly
  • ar – familiar
  • ive – abrasive


By Thomas,  San Diego English School


Verb, Noun, Adjective or Adverb?

Choose the correct word needed to complete each sentence:

  • It is not ___ to cross the street without looking both ways.

  • The ___ should be completed by next month.

  • My son played very ___ yesterday.

  • There was a lot of ___ coming from the neighbor's house.

  • I need to give this decision some more ___.

  • How ___ is the table?

  • What is the ___ of the table?

  • To be successful you need to have a lot of ___.

  • His ___ was unexpected.

  • I am very ___.

  • I like to ___.

  • The ___ lit room is too bright.

  • My friend is very ___.

  • I never have any ___.

  • I like to ___ a lot.

  • Jeff was being ___ at work.

  • I always have a lot of ___ at work

  • I am ____ certain that the correct decision was taken.

  • I want to live my ___ very lively.

  • Justin gave me a bonus because he was ___ I made the sale.

  • He always makes a ___ effort.

  • My teacher told me I was very ___.

  • When two people have a talk, they ___ with each other.