By knowing typical endings of words that identify nouns, adjectives, or adverbs, students can improve their vocabulary quickly and easily. This will also greatly improve reading comprehension. If you are reading, and come across a word that you don't know, follow these steps:
Don't give up so easily when you see new words. With a little thought, time, and effort, I have seen many students answer their own question: "Teacher, what does ______ mean?"
Use the following list as a general guide to help you identify and form nouns and adjectives. Adverbs often end in -ly, but some words can have the same form for different parts of speech. For example, fast is both an adjective and an adverb.
Here are some typical endings used for nouns and adjectives:
By Thomas, San Diego English School
Verb, Noun, Adjective or Adverb?
Choose the correct word needed to complete each sentence: