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Pre-intermediate: Idioms that relate to weather

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Read the following conversation and pay attention to the idioms in orange:

Hank:  Surprise, Jenny! I heard about you being bedridden. I came to cheer you up.

Jenny: Wow, thanks for coming by. You’ve totally brightened up my day!

Hank: Oh, I almost forgot. I also brought you a pint of your favourite ice cream!

Jenny: No, you didn’t. Really? How did you remember?

Hank: It was easy.  It’s my least favorite ice cream flavor. So, how did you hurt yourself?

Hank: That’s true.  You know what? Maybe you should bring me to the set next time so that I can catch you when you fall.

Jenny: Sure, why not. Oh, would you please hand me a serviette. This ice cream is delicious. Where did you get it from?

Hank: I got it from McDonalds.  I know it’s your favorite.

Jenny: You are such a nice guy. I wonder why you’ve had such a dating dry spell lately.

Hank: Hah! For your information, many women are interested in me. Just because I don’t talk to you about it, doesn’t mean I haven’t been dating.

Jenny: Really?  You’ve been dating?  Why didn’t you say something before now?  Come on, Hank.  We’re not just fair-weather friends, right?  We should tell each other everything.

Hank: I know, but I was waiting to find the right time to tell you.

Hank: Hah! For your information, many women are interested in me. Just because I don’t talk to you about it, doesn’t mean I haven’t been dating.

Jenny: Really?  You’ve been dating?  Why didn’t you say something before now?  Come on, Hank.  We’re not just fair-weather friends, right?  We should tell each other everything.

Hank: I know, but I was waiting to find the right time to tell you.

Jenny: Hmmm…that doesn’t sound good.  Are you dating someone I don’t like?

Hank: No, you like her, but you might kick up a storm about this….It’s your sister.

Jenny: Are you kidding me?  You’re dating my little sister?  That’s crazy!

Hank: Nah, I’m just joking.

Jenny: How can I be so naive!  Of course you wouldn’t date my sister.  You guys would be terrible together.  I know!  How about I set you up with someone?  I’m sure that I can find the perfect girl for you.

Hank: Sorry to rain on your parade, but I think I can find someone on my own.  Anyway, I need to get going.  I’m supposed to be at work in an hour.

Jenny: All right.  Well, stop by again sometime.  I could use the company.

Hank: No problem.  See you around.

Now match the defintion to its idiom:

  • 1 - To make a big fuss about something.

  • 2 - No matter what.

  • 3 - To ruin someone's plans or good time.

  • 4 - To make something lighter or happier.

  • 5 - To try to achieve something that is impossible.

  • 6 - A period of being unsuccessful.

  • 7 - People who are only there when you are doing well, but can't be found when you need help.

  • 8 - To have a crush on someone.

  • 9 - to make someone happy.

  • 10 - To help someone in need of help.