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Remember and Remind

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The difference in meaning between remember and remind can sometimes cause confusion.


Remember means to have a memory, to keep a memory. In other words it means 'not to forget'.
Do you remember the name of the book? Yes, but I don't remember the author's name. – ( I do not have the memory)
Remember to feed the cat. (don’t forget)


Remind means causes someone to think of something/make someone remember something they have forgotten.
The smell of the sea reminds me of my childhood. I grew up near the sea.
Peter reminds me of my brother. They look so alike.

Remind me to book a table for tomorrow. I might forget.
I reminded John that we had already agreed on a venue for the conference.

Look at this conversation. Note the difference between remember and remind.
John to Peter:  Remember it is Sarah's birthday tomorrow.
Peter to John:  Thanks for reminding me. I totally forgot.
John to Peter: How long have you two been together? Don't tell me you can’t remember that either.
Peter to John: Very funny. Of course I remember. You remind me of my sister, always picking on me.

Lesson by Tristan, teacher at EC Malta English school

Complete the following with 'remember' or 'remind':

  • 1. I don't _ where I put my car keys. Have you seen them anywhere?

  • 2. _ me to call David later. I'd like to meet up with him.

  • 3. That perfume _ me of my first love. She always wore it.

  • 4. I can't _ the name of the first actor to play James Bond. Can you?

  • 5. _ to switch the lights off when you leave the room.

  • 6. John _ me of Tom Cruise.

  • 7. I hadn't seen my sixth form teacher for years. I'm surprised he even _ me.