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Spelling quiz

Average: 4 (23 votes)

Being able to spell well in English will improve your reading and writing fluency. It will also help with vocabulary and comprehension.

Spelling is especially important for the written section of IELTS, TOEFL and ESOL English exams. You will lose marks for poor spelling; it will also make it harder for you to get your point across.

Do you agree? How important is being able to spell English words to you?

Choose the correct spelling of these ten words. Can you get them all correct?

  • 1 - My birthday is in ___.

  • 2 - I had another ___ with my sister. We are always fighting.

  • 3 - We need to find some ____ for our trip.

  • 4 - You have such a busy ___.

  • 5 - In summer we always swim in the ___.

  • 6 - I won't see her ___ Friday.

  • 7 - She was ___ for all your help.

  • 8 - ___ ideas were much better than ours.

  • 9 - She took the day off ___ she was ill.

  • 10 - Did you ___ my email?