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Subject, Verb & Object

Average: 3.7 (201 votes)

Subject + Verb + Object combine to make basic English sentences.

"She drinks milk."

Subject: who/what the sentence is about.
Verb: What the subject does/is.
Object: a person or thing that is affected by the action of a verb.

Subject Verb Agreement

Singular subjects take singular verbs:
"He works in an office."

Plural subjects take plural verbs:
"They work in an office."

  • 1 - The rain ___ flooding the village.

  • 2 - All the customers ___ left the shop.

  • 3 - A dog chased ___ all the way home!

  • 4 - Those girls ___ my sisters.

  • 5 - ___ has brown hair.

  • 6 - The fireworks ___ beautiful.

  • 7 - The pollution around here ___ awful.

  • 8 - Was __ looking at us?

  • 9 - We ___ reading when you called.

  • 10 - It ___ been snowing all day.