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The Causative

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We use the causative in English to say that we have arranged for someone to do something for us.
He had his jacket cleaned.
(He didn't clean it himself.)
The causative is formed with 'have + object + past participle' The past participle has a passive meaning.

Questions and negations of the verb 'have' are formed with do/does or did in the past simple.
Did you have your camera fixed?

We also use 'have something done' to talk about an unpleasant experience.
Peter had his phone stolen last night.

In informal conversations we can use 'get' instead of 'have'.
She's getting her hair done again.

It is important to have the correct word order:
'John had his car repaired.' is very different to 'John had repaired his car.'
In the first sentence John  arranged for someone else to repair his car. In the second sentence he did it himself.

The causative can be used with most verb forms and is also formed with the infinitive and -ing forms.
He should have his car repaired.
It's worth having his car repaired.

Lesson by Tristan, English teacher at EC Malta English school

Now select the correct form of the causative from the following:

  • 1. Which is correct?

  • 2. Which is correct?

  • 3. Which is correct?

  • 4. Which is correct?

  • 5. Which is correct?

  • 6. Which is correct?