Other types of nouns are proper nouns (or real nouns).
Real nouns start with a capital letter: Spain, Brad, and Pizza Hut.
What are proper adjectives?
This is the same with adjectives.
Most adjectives are common adjectives: slow, modern, red, and exciting.
Proper adjectives start with a capital letter: Spanish, Martian, and Russian.
Proper adjectives are usually derived (formed) from proper nouns.
Spain = Spanish
Mars = Martian
Russia = Russian
Shakespeare = Shakespearean
Do not use a capital letter with a prefix used with a proper adjective unless the prefix comes from a proper noun.
pre-Christian influence
pan-European culture
post-Thatcherite Britain
Afro-Caribbean (here Afro comes from Africa so we capitalise it)
In a hyphenated word, only the proper adjective is capitalised.
English-speaking country
She works in a Mexican restaurant.
The house was built during the Victorian era.
A Machiavellian battle for control of the country.
Her new Sony television. (here the brand name acts as a adjective)
Now decide if these these sentences need common or proper adjectives: