I think I am too young that's why I don't know what is that words (later I will say). Is this word not applicable (I mean not populary known) for ages like puberty ages? Straightly, elementary level.
Here's the words: circumstances, herein, hereinafter, hereinbefore, hereinabove, hereinbelow.
Does anyone can help me?
Thank you very much. Honestly, I think I love this web site. It helps me a lot to be gramatically correct in speaking English.
Anyway, can you tell me if my entire sentence (this post) is gramatically correct? If not, what is the reason?
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I think I am too young that's why I don't know what is that words (later I will say). Is this word not applicable (I mean not populary known) for ages like puberty ages? Straightly, elementary level.
Here's the words: circumstances, herein, hereinafter, hereinbefore, hereinabove, hereinbelow.
Does anyone can help me?
Thank you very much. Honestly, I think I love this web site. It helps me a lot to be gramatically correct in speaking English.
Anyway, can you tell me if my entire sentence (this post) is gramatically correct? If not, what is the reason?