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How was your weekend?

Average: 3 (61 votes)

So how was your weekend? What did you do?  Did you do anything nice? Here's something I did over the weekend.

I went out for a meal with my cousins on Saturday night.

I have a large family and we don't see each other as much as we would like so we decided to all _1_ up.

These days we only seem see each other at weddings or funerals. An informal get together was long _2_.

It took a lot of planning to find an evening when we were all available, that's for sure.

Why learn English? - All competition entries

Average: 3.3 (103 votes)

November's scholarhsip competition is now closed. Our monthly newsletter, called English in your inbox, runs a competition in which three readers win a 2-week General English course at an EC school.

The competition question was to tell us, using 20 words, why you learn English. Here are all the entries we received. If yours is not here, we didn't get it. Apologies. 

I hope reading these will motivate and inspire you to keep on learning!

Culture Lesson - Thanksgiving Holiday in USA

Average: 3.7 (11 votes)

Did you know that the fourth Thursday of November is an important holiday in America? It's Thanksgiving! Here's some information on why and how Americans celebrate.  

Reading Practice - Understanding Written Text

Average: 3.2 (15 votes)

Reading the following news story then answer the questions to check your understanding.

Travel Vocabulary - Tell me your Plans

Average: 3.1 (31 votes)

Holiday season is fast approaching with many of us enjoying time off from school or work over the Christmas and New Year period. Some of us will be going back to our hometowns to visit family or perhaps taking a vacation. Personally, I'll be leaving Malta for two weeks to go back to my hometown, Cardiff in the  UK. I already have my plane tickets and I don't have to worry about hotels because I'll be staying with family. I can't wait!

Marriage - Reading and Vocabulary

Average: 3.9 (12 votes)

Read through the paragraphs and complete them with the correct missing words. I recommend reading the whole paragrpah once, then reading it again while trying to choose the right vocabulary.

Confusing Words - Look, See, Watch and Listen & Hear

Average: 2.4 (29 votes)

Simple words are often easy to confuse.

Today I want you to explain to me the difference between look, see & watch and then listen & hear.

Use the comments section to explain the difference in meaning and give some example sentences. To get you thinking, I have created a ten-question quiz for you to try.

So who is going to be the first person to write a explanation?

I know you can do it!

Choose the missing word

Average: 3.1 (17 votes)

Here's a list of ten questions. Each question is missing one word. Choose the correct missing words and when you have finished give your own answers to the questions by leaving a comment.

I think today's activity is good for Intermediate level students. Who can get 10/10?

What's the Best Question?

Personality Words

Average: 3 (23 votes)

Match the personality adjective to the best description in the following six sentences.

Which words do use to describe yourself? Remember to give examples e.g.
"I am ___ because ___."

Link: The Year of the Ox 'Personality Adjectives'

Wh- Questions

Average: 3.6 (59 votes)

Simple lesson for you today so I expect you all to get 10/10. A big thanks to Caroline Devane at EC Cape Town English language school for taking the time to create this lesson. 

Question Revision:
In English there are two main types of questions:
*Yes or no questions
Eg. 'Do you like chocolate?'