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New Verbs: A to H

Average: 3.6 (43 votes)

Here's an exercise to help you increase your vocabulary! Below are 8 verbs, some of which you may know, and some of which might be new to you.

Each sentence needs one of these verbs. Find the meaning of the verb and match it to the correct sentence.

I recommend reading all the sentences before making your choice.

Then, from memory, try to write your own list of verbs from A to H.

Lesson by Caroline Devane

Vocabulary - In the Office

Average: 3.3 (26 votes)

Many people learn 'pen, pencil and paper' in their first English lessons, but can you remember these words, which are also things you would find in an office?

Match each word to its definition. What else do we find in an office?

Lesson by Caroline

Business English - Networking

Average: 4.1 (15 votes)

Networking: - Interacting with other people to exchange information and develop contacts, especially to further your career.

This lesson will give you some good hints on successful networking, as well as helping you to practise some business vocabulary. Read through the article and try to fit the gaps with the business vocabulary listed below.


Average: 4 (46 votes)

We write postcards to friends and family when we are on holiday. They are usually very short and talk about what we are doing and enjoying. I just got this postcard from my Mum and Dad, who are on holiday in Tenerife! Read through the postcard and put the words in the correct gap.

When you have finished, imagine you are on holiday and you are sending a postcard to your best friend. What would you write about? Please post your answers below!

Hi Caroline!

Music Video: Kate Nash - We Get On

Average: 2.8 (38 votes)

This song could be particularly useful for you if you are studying in (or wish to go to London), as the singer has quite a strong London accent. Her name is Kate Nash and she is famous for writing songs that don’t romanticise love and dating.

Read through the lyrics of this song first and then listen and try to complete the gaps with the missing words.

Passive and Active Sentences for Low-Intermediate Students

Average: 1.7 (161 votes)

How much do you remember about forming active and passive sentences?

If you're unsure, have a look at this lesson before you try to answer the questions below:

Remember: Is the action being done by someone or is an action being done to something? If someone is doing the action, use the active voice and if an action is being done to something use the passive! Good luck!

Lesson by Caroline

Verbs we use in the morning

Average: 1.9 (152 votes)

What's your morning routine? If you are not a 'morning person', waking up and getting ready for work/school can be a real challenge. Perhaps you are an 'early bird', a person who feels better and has more energy in the morning. If so, getting ready to face the day is no problem!

Read through the text and choose the correct missing verbs.

Idioms for Intermediate Level Students

Average: 3.9 (39 votes)

English is a language that is full of many colourful idioms that describe people and situations in a more interesting way than the typical vocabulary.

For example instead of saying "he's been doing this for a long time" you can say "He's an old hat at this". This is an especially great way of improving your writing.

Here are some more idioms and their meanings:

Get / Become

Average: 3.7 (75 votes)

The word get has many different meanings in English, such as 'receive'. However, another very common meaning is also 'become'.

For example: “I’m getting cold” means the same as “I’m becoming cold”
The only real difference is that get is more informal and popular to use.

The structure is: GET + ADJECTIVE.

Past Continuous or past simple?

Average: 3.4 (28 votes)

Sometimes it can be tricky to decide which tense we need to use. Remember these rules to help you: