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Phrasal Verbs using 'take' (part 1)

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'Marie decided to take up the violin.'


‘Take’ appears in many phrasal verbs. Here are several uses of the verb. In the future, we will be looking at other examples, but first try and memorise these.

Take up- to begin or start a new hobby.

‘He took up jogging after his doctor advised him to get some exercise.’

‘He took jogging up after his doctor told him to get some exercise.’

Take out – To remove something to outside

Take out the rubbish when you leave.’

Take the rubbish out when you leave.’


Take in – To understand or comprehend something.

‘Sarah couldn’t take in all the information at the meeting.’


Take after– To have a similar character or personality to a family member.

‘In my family, I take after my mother. We have the same eyes and nose.’


Take back (something) – To return something.

‘Could you take this book back to the library for me?’

‘Could you take back this book to the library for me?’


Take off (something) – To remove something, usually an items clothing or accessories

‘In Japan people take off their shoes when they enter a house.’

‘In Japan people take their shoes off when they enter a house.’


Take on – To employ someone or to be employed.

‘The restaurant takes on extra staff in the summer.’

Now try and complete the sentences using one of the above phrasal verbs. Remember to use the correct form.


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