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Pronunciation - Silent Sounds

Average: 3.8 (20 votes)

Pronunciation is very important when we are trying to communicate with other people.

Incorrect pronunciation can make a simple word difficult to understand!

There are many silent letters in English words. For example when we say walk we don't pronounce the "L".

Can you find the silent letters in the words below?

Quick Preposition Quiz

Average: 3.9 (25 votes)

In English we use prepositions with certain verbs and nouns.


"I love swimming in summer."

"I am writing my final exam on Thursday."

Complete the sentences and insert prepositions if and where they are needed.

Two sentences are perfect just as they are so be careful! Use "-" when no preposition is needed.

The Oscars 2011

Average: 4.6 (22 votes)

The Oscar Nominations are in and Hollywood has nothing else to talk about! The only film I've seen that has been nominated is 'Black Swan', so I think I need to get myself to the cinema. Read through this article and then see if you can fit the vocabulary into the correct gaps.

Lesson by Caroline Devane

Homophones for Low-Intermediate Level

Average: 2.8 (15 votes)

Homophones are words that sound the same, but have different spellings and meanings.

For example:

pear and pair

Pear - a sweet and juicy type of fruit.

Pair - a couple: two items of the same kind. A set of two similar things considered as a unit

What does vert mean?

Average: 3.5 (25 votes)

Convert, divert, invert and revert. All these words end with (the suffix) vert.

What does vert mean?

Vert is a latin word we use in English meaning 'to turn'.

So when you see a word ending with -vert, you know it's related to turn.

Let's take a closer look at these 4 example words.

Extreme Adjectives

Average: 2.2 (192 votes)

Extreme adjectives are words that give extra emphasis to the subject they describe: For example, "funny" is a normal adjective expressing that something makes us laugh, but "hilarious" is an extreme adjective which shows that something makes us laugh a lot. In other words, "hilarious" means "very funny".

The Most Depressing Day of the Year

Average: 3.3 (9 votes)

Just Chillax - New English Words

Average: 3.5 (10 votes)

Last week we looked at how the English language is constantly evolving and new words are added to the dictionary every year.

Here are some more words that have been added in recent years; some of which are frequently used as well as some that you cannot believe have made it into mainstream language! Can you match the words to their meanings?

Past Participle Irregular Verbs

Average: 3.6 (54 votes)

Check your understanding of irregular past participle verbs.

Example: Do

Present Simple: do - "Where do you live?"
Past Simple: did - "Where did you go yesterday?"
Past Participle: done - "Has he done all his homework?"

Choose the correct word

Average: 1.7 (174 votes)

Choose the correct missing word in each of these ten sentences.

How many did you get correct? Which ones did you get wrong? Tell us in the comments box below

Here are three words that feature in the sentences and may be new to you. Please ask if you have any other questions about vocabulary or the meaning of these sentences.

By Chris