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Phrasal Verb Fun – Intermediate to Upper Intermediate

Average: 3.6 (25 votes)

Phrasal Verbs have a way of worming their way into our everyday English. Many have more than one meaning so they can be quite confusing.

In this exercise you must read the sentence and the clue in brackets and try to put an appropriate phrasal verb in the correct tense in the gaps. The missing phrasal verbs are popular.

Ordinal Numbers: Using First, Second, Third, Etc

Average: 3.8 (37 votes)

Level: Elementary

Ordinal numbers are easy to learn but also, easy to forget.

When objects are placed in order, we use ordinal numbers to tell their position.  If ten people ran a race, we would say that the person that ran the fastest was in first place, the next student was in second place, and so on.

Remember, ordinals are numbers we use when we want to put things in order. We normally ad 'th' to the numbers, but also sometimes 'nd' or 'st'. In the following sentences, do we need an ordinal number?

Choose the Correct Verb - Part II (harder)

Average: 2.3 (23 votes)

Yesterday we had a simple vocabulary exercise about verb tenses: Choose the Correct Verb

Today we continue with a slightly more difficult task. This time, type in the missing verb using the correct tense.

Use the correct form of the verb shown in each sentence. Only use one word per sentence.

I hope I didn't make this too easy! Who got 10/10. Which ones did you get wrong?


Choose the Correct Verb

Average: 2 (146 votes)

Choose the correct verb in each sentence. This excercise is for Pre-Intermediate English learners.

Make sure  the subject agrees with the verb and watch out for time expressions.

Link: Auxiliary Verbs in Questions

Do you know these homonyms?

Average: 3.3 (32 votes)

A Intermediate level lesson for you today.

Spending a lot of time on English language sites is a great way to practice your English. Leaving comments (as you can on this site) is an even better way to practise.

When writing English you should be careful of tricky homonyms.  A homonym is a word that sounds the same as another word but has a different spelling and different meaning.

For example: flower and flour

Can you write a homonym for each each word below?

Build your speaking skills

Average: 3 (27 votes)

Concentrating on the basics is a good way to make sure you speak English accurately. Below are ten sentences  featuring words that students get mixed up when they talk.

I hope that this will be a good review and that you all get 10/10.

You can do it!


Go, goes, going, went or gone.

How to write Contractions

Average: 1.9 (149 votes)

A Pre-Intermediate task for you today:

A contraction is formed by joing two other words.

An apostrophe shows where a letter or letters have been omitted (left out).

Example: it is = it's ( i is omitted).

Exception: won't is an exception. Will not becomes won't.

Write the correct contraction for each pair of missing words. When you have finished write some example sentences using contractions.


AWL - Academic Word List - the 'I's'

Average: 3.8 (18 votes)

More AWL (Academic Word List) Practice: The 'I's' have it! (This is a play on 'The ayes have it.' This latter expression means that the voice vote is in, and those in favor of a measure have won.)

How was your weekend?

Average: 3 (61 votes)

So how was your weekend? What did you do?  Did you do anything nice? Here's something I did over the weekend.

I went out for a meal with my cousins on Saturday night.

I have a large family and we don't see each other as much as we would like so we decided to all _1_ up.

These days we only seem see each other at weddings or funerals. An informal get together was long _2_.

It took a lot of planning to find an evening when we were all available, that's for sure.

Culture Lesson - Thanksgiving Holiday in USA

Average: 3.7 (11 votes)

Did you know that the fourth Thursday of November is an important holiday in America? It's Thanksgiving! Here's some information on why and how Americans celebrate.