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Penelope Cruz - Listening

Average: 4.2 (18 votes)

Requested by Yura.

Do you remember the lesson English accents? The lesson aimed to give you an awareness of the many different accents that you may hear people speaking in.

You should expose yourself to as many different accents as possible as it is very unlikely you will only hear ‘standard English’ when outside the classroom.

Penelope Cruz is an actress from Spain.

Listen very carefully to the interview and then see if you can answer the true or false questions below.

Music Videos Listening Lesson - Forever Young

Average: 4.1 (17 votes)

'Forever Young. I want to be forever young'. So true...How about you? Would you like to stay young forever or are you looking forward to getting older?

In this simple lesson all you need to do is fill in the gaps with the correct vocabulary. Listen carefully!
Lesson by Caroline Devane

Leo DiCaprio Interview

Average: 3.4 (18 votes)

Leo DiCaprio became one of my favourite actors after I saw him in the film ‘Blood Diamond’.

It is an amazing film, full of drama and suspense and I even studied the story with some of my students at EC Cape Town English school.

This lesson tests your ability to listen for specific words and information. Listen carefully to the interview and then try to decide which word is being said. Then, if you haven’t already, go and watch the movie!

Listening: Michael Bublé - Haven't Met You Yet

Average: 4 (12 votes)

Michael Buble is an excellent singer for those learning English as he sings the lyrics very clearly.

I have written some words, along with their meanings, above the song.

All you need to do is listen and decide which word goes in which gap. Good luck!
Lesson by Caroline Devane

Music Lesson - Bruno Mars

Average: 3.7 (17 votes)

A tip for guys: girls like compliments. You should sing/play this song to them regularly! This lesson is very simple, just listen to the song and put the correct words in each gap. Good luck!
Lesson by Caroline Devane

Music Lesson - I love your smile

Average: 3.8 (17 votes)

Studying can be extremely stressful. You have an essay due in, you need to learn a certain grammar point and at some point you have to make dinner! So here’s a song to make you smile and relax! I think it’s about how even when life is hard, there are always people there who care for you. Of course it still has to be a lesson, but I hope after you’ve completed this you’ll be inspired to find some of your own music that you can wind down to…

Anyone for a cuppa? The best cup of tea

Average: 3.1 (21 votes)

Drinking tea (with milk of course), is a huge part of British culture. Helen and Olly, a comedy duo who have their own podcast, went around the country learning all about it and trying to discover where they could find ‘the best cup of tea’.

Watch the video, and then see if you can answer the true or false questions.

Right, I’m off to boil the kettle.
By Caroline Devane

Music Lesson - Adele - Make You Feel My Love

Average: 3.8 (11 votes)

I have removed some important verbs from thi song. This is excellent listening practice and will remind you of, or teach you, some useful verbs.
By Caroline Deavne

Listening: Aloe Blacc 'I'm Beautiful'

Average: 3.7 (18 votes)

Some words of advice from the wonderful singer, Aloe Blacc. I have written some words and their meanings at the top of this lesson, all you need to do is fill in the gaps in the lyrics with the correct word.

Warning: His accent is quite difficult to understand so listen carefully! This is, of course, excellent practice for real conversation!
Lesson by Caroline

Listening: Oliver 'Food, Glorious Food'

Average: 2.8 (31 votes)

I am absolutely famished, so hungry, totally starving! So what else could I do, but choose a song for this musical lesson that is all about food.

I have removed some types of food or food related vocabulary from this famous song from Oliver. See if you can complete the gaps with the correct words.

Right, I’m off to make a sandwich!

There are loads of other words in this song related to food and eating. Can you find them?
Lesson by Caroline