Read through the sentences at the bottom of the page and decide if the sentences are 'correct' or if they have any mistakes. If you get any wrong, click 'Why?' to find out what the problem is with the incorrect sentences. Good luck!
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They all have mistakes! What's wrong with the sentences...
Let's make a party on the beach: The grammar in this sentence is fine. The problem here is that 'make' does not collocate with 'party'. It is more natural to say 'have a party' or 'throw' a party. It sounds strange to say 'make a party'.
Don't worry. I'm a safety driver: The mistake in this sentence is the word 'safety' because it is a noun. We need to use the adjective form and not the noun. Therefore, the word should be 'safe' and not 'safety'
Onur felt boring at the meeting: When we talk about how someone feels (or how we feel) we use '-ed' adjectives. When we want to describe something we use '-ing'. So we say 'I felt bored because the meeting was boring'.'
I go to shopping on the weekend: In this sentence 'go to' is wrong. We use 'go to' for a place e.g. ' I go to the shop.', but we use '' for activities, so the sentence should be 'I go shopping'. We don't use 'to' with ''.
Sasha met an elephant in the zoo: Here the use of 'met' is wrong. When we 'meet' someone we say 'hello' and have a conversation and maybe shake hands. You can't chat with an elephant (you can try, but it won't answer!). Instead, we would say 'I saw an elephant'. 'Met' is used with people and not with animals. You can 'touch', 'feed', and 'play with' animals.
What time should we have a lunch?: Here the problem is 'a'. We don't use 'a' or 'the' with meals. We only use 'a' when there is an adjective in the sentence before the meal: I had a big breakfast'.
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