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Bildungsurlaub Programme


Bildungsurlaub English Courses at EC English 

Would you like to improve your English abroad? Then Bildungsurlaub is perfect for you. The best way to learn a language is to be somewhere you are surrounded by it 24/7! Bildungsurlaub allows workers in Germany to use a certain number of days per calendar year for individual further training. However, each federal state regulates and handles the right to educational leave differently. You can only book further training for your educational leave officially recognised by your federal state. The minimum legal requirements for educational leave vary from state to state, so please get in touch with us for more information. 

Here at EC, we make it a point to encourage all our students to pursue their goals and maximise their learning potential, helping them be the very best they can be. That’s why we are proud to have German educational leave recognised at many of our centres worldwide, offering a combination of professional language tuition as well as a choice of excursions and activities across some of the most exciting locations across the globe. 


Available for all levels

Course Duration

2 week courses maximum

Course start dates

Every Monday

Lessons per week


Lesson Duration

1 Lesson = 45 minutes

Bildungsurlaub Approved States 

  • Berlin
  • Brandenburg
  • Bremen
  • Hamburg
  • Hessen
  • Niedersachsen
  • Rheinland-Pfalz
  • Saarland (covered by accreditations from all other German states)
  • Sachsen-Anhalt
  • Schleswig-Holstein
  • Thüringen 

Choose EC for your Bildungsurlaub 

From state-of-the-art facilities to supportive, experienced teachers, we at EC are committed to giving our students the opportunity to not only learn English within a friendly learning environment and enhance their career, but also an experience they’ll never forget. Our courses are designed to suit all levels of understanding, along with classes which are developed meet the standards required for Bildungsurlaub. 

We offer a wide range of courses to help you meet your goals. Let’s make your Bildungsurlaub experience perfect. 

Why a language trip a great investment 

If you’re a professional looking to increase your range of skills and abilities, there are many reasons why using your educational leave for an English course is worth it. 

Don’t miss out on this great opportunity. Get in touch with us for more information or to book your course.  

Language Skills 

Foreign language skills are becoming increasingly important for employees, particularly those who work in multi-national environments. Nowadays, people must use English for many purposes, such as writing reports and presentations. 

International Network 

Travelling abroad to study English also means meeting professionals from all over the world who have similar goals to your own and work across various international companies and industries—it’s a fantastic way to make useful contacts. 

Why Choose Bildungsurlaub?

Full English Immersion 

One of the best ways to learn a new language is through an immersion programme. For example, studying English in an English-speaking country means you get to practise your language skills outside with native speakers in real-life contexts. 

New Memories 

Apart from the educational and professional benefits of studying English abroad, you’ll experience a different way of life outside your country and meet many people from other nationalities, backgrounds and cultures. 

Destinations you will love 

Learn English and make new friends in one of EC’s incredible cities. 

Most of our Bildungsurlaub accreditations refer to General English 30 (Intensive English), meaning 30 lessons per week (22.5 hours). 

English courses include 
✓ Orange Carpet Experience 
✓ Online placement test 
✓ MyEC – student portal 
✓ English language activities and 
✓ Welcome activity 
✓ Social and cultural programme 
✓ Internet access 

Why EC English? 

✓ Guaranteed results 
✓ Founded in 1991 
✓ Start your course on any Monday 
✓ Courses from one-week duration 
✓ Excellence in customer service 
✓ Students from all over the world 
✓ Courses for all levels of English 
✓ Schools in USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, Malta and South Africa 


Where you choose to stay is an important part of your study abroad experience. We have a variety of accommodation options to suit your lifestyle, budget, and personal needs. 


For independent students, we recommend our residences, houses, and apartments. Each one ranges from basic to those offering added amenities, such as an on-site gym, home cinema, or swimming pool. It all depends on your destination. 


For an authentic taste of the local lifestyle, why not stay with a host and experience their way of life? Participating in the day-to-day routine in a homestay can be a great way to make lasting relationships and witness the local culture first-hand. 

Lasciati ispirare dai viaggi dei nostri studenti

Scoprite come i nostri studenti hanno trasformato i loro primi passi nell’apprendimento delle lingue in pietre miliari che hanno trasformato la loro vita. Lasciate che le loro storie vi ispirino a raggiungere il vostro successo linguistico.

What can you expect on this course?

Your programme to mastering new skills and achieving fluency including

Creative and energetic classes 

When it comes to creating engaging lessons, our teachers know what works. Classes are dynamic, and motivating, designed to build upon your strengths, while giving targeted attention to the areas in which you need more help. Relaxed and informal classroom environments create an encouraging atmosphere to help you build your confidence, realise your potential and advance toward fluency. 

Real-life application 

We help you to develop your English systems (grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation) and skills (reading, writing, speaking and listening), while also building the learning skills that will give you the confidence to use ta you’ve learned in real-life situations. 

Learn by doing

At EC, progress is maximized as you are encouraged to learn by doing. Our task-based lessons promote class participation and interaction between students, We provide you the targeted support to help you achieve your academic goals. And our assessments give you feedback on how you are progressing and where you need more help. 

Improved ‘thinking time’

As your skills and confidence develop with support from your teachers, so too will your ability to listen, understand and respond quickly and effectively in English. You’ll really notice these improvements when you take your English outside the classroom into everyday conversation with English-speaking locals—and find you need to think quickly on your feet. 

Exceptional support

Your teachers are trained to deliver ongoing support, feedback and care throughout your time at EC. You will be taught by at least two teachers, exposing you to a variety of voices, improving your listening and boosting your vocabulary. 

Authentic materials

We believe there is no substitute for authentic English, so in addition to textbooks, our teachers use real-life resources taken from newspapers, TV, radio and the internet. These authentic materials will give you an appreciation for how the English language is used in a variety of everyday contexts. 

Contate sulla promessa di EC

Noi di EC English vi promettiamo che i vostri progressi saranno sempre visibili e garantiti. In poche parole, se seguite il vostro programma di apprendimento personalizzato, vi garantiamo che il vostro inglese migliorerà.

Cosa offre EC


Imparate da docenti altamente qualificati ed esperti.


Studiate in una delle nostre 25 scuole in 7 Paesi.


Scegliete tra una varietà di corsi che si adattano ai vostri orari e obiettivi.


Partecipate ad attività ed eventi che migliorano la vostra esperienza di apprendimento.

agli studenti

Accesso al supporto accademico e personale durante gli studi

Sperimentate risultati reali

Ad EC siamo impegnati a garantire risultati ottimali per i nostri studenti. Per questo motivo, da 30 anni facciamo ricerche e misurazioni sui punti chiave dello sviluppo del nostro curriculum, dei nostri metodi di insegnamento e del nostro processo di revisione. Questo approccio ci permette di progettare scientificamente un’esperienza di apprendimento linguistico per voi, basata sulle vostre esigenze e sui vostri obiettivi, in grado di fornire risultati ottimali in modo affidabile.

  • Lezioni Special Focus

Lezioni di approfondimento specifiche

Volete seguire dei corsi extra per sviluppare un’area o un’abilità specifica? I nostri corsi Special Focus possono aiutarti. Potete seguire questi corsi da una settimana a 8 settimane, combinandoli in base alle vostre esigenze.  

L’offerta di corsi varia da una scuola all’altra nel corso dell’anno, ma ci saranno sempre corsi adatti al vostro livello linguistico e ai vostri interessi. Ecco solo alcuni dei programmi Special Focus disponibili nelle scuole EC. Contattateci per maggiori informazioni su cosa è disponibile e quando   . 

Parlare con sicurezza

Sviluppate una comprensione pratica dell’inglese a diversi livelli e attivate la vostra nuova lingua nelle situazioni quotidiane.

Consapevolezza globale

Acquisite ispirazione e vocabolario per conoscere e discutere le questioni mondiali e la geografia globale.

Grammatica per una comunicazione reale

Osservate più da vicino come è strutturata la lingua inglese, con particolare attenzione alla pertinenza e all’appropriatezza.

Ascolto nella vita reale

Sviluppate le capacità di ascolto in lingua inglese per comunicare in modo chiaro e sicuro. Una buona comunicazione in inglese richiede attenzione, vocabolario e strutture grammaticali specifiche.

Ampliare il vocabolario

Sviluppate la fiducia in voi stessi, esercitate le vostre capacità oratorie e sviluppate la fluidità, concentrandovi sull’apprendimento attraverso la conversazione. 

Scrivere con sicurezza

Migliorate le vostre capacità di scrivere per diversi tipi di pubblico, utilizzando un linguaggio e uno stile appropriati.

Lettura e scrittura di base

Rafforzate le vostre capacità di lettura e scrittura di base. Imparate a capire ciò che leggete e a farvi capire quando scrivete!

Inglese per la leadership

Imparate le abilità e le strategie efficaci per diventare un leader di successo. Imparate a parlare in modo chiaro e sicuro. 

Competenze per l’esame

Queste lezioni vi aiuteranno a migliorare le vostre capacità d’esame e a raggiungere i vostri obiettivi. Sentirsi pronti e sicuri per affrontare l’esame di inglese.

Inglese per la comunicazione online

Essere in grado di comunicare chiaramente online è una parte importante della vita. Imparate a scrivere e a parlare in modo efficace in molte situazioni online.

This course has guaranteed morning schedule*
for the following destinations*

Malta, Toronto, Brighton, and London, Cape Town (including 30+ schools)

No supplement at:

All of our US Centers and Montreal

*Please take note that Vancouver, Dublin, Cambridge, Bristol, and Manchester do not provide guaranteed morning classes year-round yet.
*Please note that the minimum level for the Guaranteed Morning Start Timetable at the schools where it is available is Elementary

Maximum in Class

Our maximum class size is 16 students or less, depending on the destination. Which is right for you? 

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