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Healthy Eating

Average: 4.4 (18 votes)

Did you know that having the right kind of diet can help us to avoid getting sick? Read the article below and then answer the true or false questions. Do you have any other tips to help us keep healthy during the cold weather? Good luck!

Culture Lesson: Thanksgiving in USA

Average: 4.2 (20 votes)

Today, 22nd Novemer 2012, is Thanksgiving in America. What do you know about this special holiday? Read through this article on why Thanksgiving is celebrated paying attention to the missing words.

Thanksgiving in USA

Thanksgiving is observed on the every fourth Thursday of November. It is _1_ big family celebration with people travelling from all over the country to be with their family and friends.

Living in London

Average: 3.7 (15 votes)

London is home to over 100,000 international students from over 200 different nations. There are more international students learning in there than in any other city in the world. Our English school in London gives our students the oppurtunity to enjoy this amazing city while they improve their English.

London is my favourite city in the world. I don't live there at the moment but I’m hoping to move there soon.

In The News: Obama Wins!

Average: 4.8 (16 votes)

President Barack Obama _1_ been re-elected to a second term, defeating Republican challenger Mitt Romney.

In a speech _2_ almost 25 minutes, the President insisted he had hope for the future but admitted there was "more work to do".

In The News: Lance Armstrong

Average: 4.9 (10 votes)

If you were asked to name a cyclist you would probably say Lance Armstrong. You don't have to be a fan of the sport to know who he is. At the moment his name appears in the news as serious allegations are made against him. Read through the text and choose which words are missing.

Lesson by Caroline

Danny's Reading: Deodorant

Average: 4.5 (12 votes)

This is an article about deodorant.

Yes. Seriously.

Not just any deodorant though. Specifically, the one that I just bought from the supermarket down the road. Which is, apparently, not really a deodorant, but a 'Skin Comfort System Anti-Perspirant Body Spray, with Chamomile Extract and Avocado Oil'. In other words, it's a deodorant which costs three times as much as any other deodorant purely because it has a cooler sounding name.

In The News: Hurricane Sandy

Average: 4.1 (15 votes)

A hurricane is a huge and powerful destructive storm with very strong winds that occurs _1_ in the western part of the Atlantic Ocean. The winds usually have a circular movement.

The Media - Advanced Reading

Average: 1.9 (64 votes)

The following article is an interesting and controversial topic that has gained importance in recent years. Read it and increase your vocabulary and at the end evaluate your comprehension by answering the True/False questions.

Lesson by Caroline Devane

The Owners of the "News"

The role of the media is essentially defined by the manipulation of information oriented towards the control of "public opinion", but their goals are not social as described in the mythology of "journalistic objectivity".

The Hottest Day!

Average: 3.5 (24 votes)

According to the radio, August 18th was the hottest day in the UK for two years when temperatures peaked at 32.4C (90.3F) in the south of England. Being 8 months pregnant at the time I was not too thrilled about it but fortunately my office was nice and cool. I do enjoy the sunshine, however, and love what summer brings! Here's a short article about what I love about summer. Unscramble the mixed up words to find the summer vocabulary. Good luck!

Lesson by Caroline

Reading and Vocabulary: Usain Bolt

Average: 3.7 (21 votes)

Spread over 16 unforgettable days, the London Olympic Games drew the world's attention with one man in particular being a large part of the focus. Usain Bolt was the centre of the party, confirming his status as the greatest sprinter in history as he retained his Olympic 100m title in style. Read through the following text and decide where the missing words should go.