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2010 World Cup - Who will win?

Average: 3.7 (10 votes)

Unless you've been living on the moon for the last few months, you'll know that the Fifa World Cup kicks-off today in South Africa.

Travel Tips

Average: 3.5 (8 votes)

Many of our students learn English for travel purposes, so here's an article that can help you build your vocabulary while also giving you some interesting tips about staying safe during your travels. Copy and paste, or write, the words from the list into the correct gaps.

In the news - Britain hotter than Cairo

Average: 3.5 (6 votes)

I hope everyone who's studying in the UK has been enjoying this beautiful weather! This article has six words missing, all of them related to the weather. Put each word listed in one of the gaps. What have you been doing in this heat wave? Brighton students it would be great to hear from you!

Reading - The Lovely Bones Summary for Upper Intermediate Level

Average: 2.5 (13 votes)

Today's lesson is by Caroline

A really important part of learning a language is reading. This can be done inside and outside the classroom and as a huge bookworm I strongly recommend visiting your library and doing some extra reading!


hi everybody this is sandhya from chennai i thought reading is such a boring thing....... i can't spend more time on reading can anybody send me any useful tips on reading or how to spend my time on reading without boring pls.............

Introducing EC San Francisco

Average: 2.6 (11 votes)

Opened this month, EC San Francisico is our new 'hot' destination for English learning! Read why you should learn English in San Francisco.

EC San Francisco is coming very, very soon! San Francisco is a popular international tourist destination and there is no better city in the US for students to have a spectacular English learning and living experience.

Danny's Advanced Level Reading Practice!

Average: 3.2 (5 votes)

Danny's is a teacher at EC Malta English language school. He has over ten years of experince. Let's see what he has to say this month:

Every month, at around this time, I suddenly remember (or suddenly get reminded, via a polite email from the EC Team) that it’s time, once again, to write another article. So upstairs I go, where I switch on the computer, bring up Microsoft Word, and scowl fiercely at the blinking cursor while I roll myself the first of too many cigarettes…

In the news: Slight rise in UK adult learners, survey suggests

Average: 3.5 (6 votes)

Level: Pre-Intermediate +

Here's some interesting news about adult learners in the UK. Read the article then copy and paste the key words into the correct gap.

There has been a slight rise in the number of adults in the UK taking part in learning, a survey suggests.

A _A_ of 5,000 adults by the National Institute of Adult Continuing Education found 21% were involved in learning, up from a low in 2009 of 18%.

Synonyms - words with the same meaning

Average: 3.1 (390 votes)

After yesterday's look at antonyms, the time is right for an exercise on synonyms.

A synonym is a word or phrase with a meaning that is the same as, or very similar to, another word or phrase.

Terrible and awful are synonyms because they have the same meaning.

Can you do better today than you did on yesterday's exercise?

In the News: 2010 UK Election

Average: 4.3 (4 votes)

Millions of people across the UK begin casting their _A_ in the general election that will decide the next government.

But with the election too close to call many _B_ have suggested that there could be a hung parliament - in which no party wins an outright majority.