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Advanced Level Reading: Police fears over "racist" T-shirt

Average: 3.5 (6 votes)

Culture Lesson - Pancake Day

Average: 3.6 (7 votes)

Among Christians in English speaking countries, today is known as Pancake Day (or officially Shrove Tuesday), as it is _A_ to eat pancakes. Although the celebration has its _B_ in relgion, you don't have to be a Christian to enjoy the day. Most people celebrate it for the pancakes and nothing more.

Danny's Reading Practice - February

Average: 3.6 (9 votes)

So January, having finally got the message that nobody particularly likes it, has decided to go away and leave us in peace for another year, taking its howling winds, dull grey skies and surprise downpours with it. And now it’s February – an altogether better-behaved month than its miserable older brother. Sure, there may still be howling winds, dull grey skies and surprise downpours, but at least February gives the impression that they’ll be over sooner or later, and that the sun might just shine tomorrow.

Reading for Information Practice

Average: 3.6 (12 votes)

Today you are going to do some reading for information. Use the link below to read about a new activity for students at EC London. Answer all the questions. How well can you understand the info?

This link opens a new window: EC London Blog - EC London’s Breakfast club!


Link: Another lesson on understanding written text


Danny's Reading Practice - January

Average: 2.9 (8 votes)

So another year has bitten the dust, and a new one just begun, and it is now, a decade into the millennium and three decades and six into my life, that I have decided to change my ways before my ways change me...

Yep, it’s time for some New Year’s Resolutions, and this year...I'm going to take them seriously. So seriously, in fact, that last Monday I plonked myself down in front of my computer and typed out a list of all the wonderful things that I would do in twenty-ten that would change my life for the better.

In the news: Haiti Earthquake / Level: High Intermediate

Average: 2.8 (24 votes)

Have you been following the news out of Haiti using English-speaking media. Here's some of the vocabulary that's being used. What are your thoughts on the earthquake. Do they happen in your country?

Reading for information and comparing

Average: 2.2 (11 votes)

The famous sitcom and now movie "Sex and the City" makes use of so many comparisons, people in New York are always comparing their clothes, bodies, houses, salaries etc.... etc... ! Read about the different characters from the movie and complete the comparative and superlative gap fill.

Question Words - Elementary Level

Average: 2.5 (15 votes)

Question words include what, where, when, why, which, who, whose and how.

Complete the sentences with the correct question words. Some questions need two words.

Did you make any mistakes? Who got 10/10?

Link: Present simple vs Present Continuous - Elementary Level

Your Questions

Average: 2.6 (15 votes)

Every month we ask our newsletter readers to send their English language questions to Tim, a teacher at EC Brighton. Here are this month's questions:

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Star Question

Thanks to Chimeg from Mongolia for the winning question of the month:


Can anyone give me some examples of slang english pronunciation or spelling?