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Negative Personality Adjectives

Average: 3.7 (28 votes)

I try not to talk about people in a negative way, after all, some people believe that when you do so you are only noticing the negative qualities in yourself! However, it’s important to learn the vocabulary! Here are ten common negative personality adjectives. Can you match each one to a sentence below? Can you think of any others? Don't be lazy, do it now!

Bonus question: Do you watch the Simpsons? What negative personality traits does the character pictured above have?

How to use Who, Whose and Who's

Average: 4.3 (32 votes)

Reading: Europe by Bus

Average: 3.4 (18 votes)

Today, after a month of working 14 hour days as Director of Studies for a school, I am desperate to get away! Although I'm not a fan of long, uncomfortable coach journeys, Paris for a pound sounds good right now. I thought this article might also be of interest to some of our students studying in the UK at the moment. Read through the article and fill the gaps with the missing words. I've written the meanings of the words to help you out. Right...who's off to Paris with me?
By Caroline Devane

Adjective List: Q to Z

Average: 3.4 (26 votes)

Here's the last lesson in our A to Z of adjectives! As always, I hope you'll find some that you recognise and some that you need to learn.

Look at the sentences and decide which adjective fits in each sentence.

To finish, see if you can make your own sentences with the adjectives that are new to you. Good luck!
Lesson by Caroline

Look idioms part 2

Average: 1.4 (257 votes)

Yesterday we had a quiz on Look Phrasal Verbs. Today we continue with look idioms. Read the 7 statements and decide which responses match them.

The correct answers are given below.

Phrasal Verbs with Look

Average: 3.4 (39 votes)

In the English language, a phrasal verb is a verb combined with a preposition or an adverb.

e.g. Look + up/ to/ for/ about/ into etc.

Let's practice! What words do you need to complete the sentences below?

Much or many?

Average: 1.8 (268 votes)

Do you remember the difference between countable and uncountable nouns? One of the things you need to remember is whether you need to use much or many
when talking about quantities. Much and many mean a lot of. For example:

"We don’t have many apples" is the same as:

"We don’t have a lot of apples".

Conjunctive Adverbs

Average: 1.8 (297 votes)

Run-on sentences happen when there are two independent clauses not separated by any form of punctuation. The error can sometimes be corrected by adding a period, semicolon, or colon to separate the two sentences.

e.g. Incorrect: My car is expensive I spent a lot of money on it.
Correct: My car is expensive. I spent a lot of money on it.

Irregular Past Participles - Intermediate Level

Average: 1.7 (365 votes)

We use the past participle when using perfect tenses, but unfortunately, many verbs are irregular in this form. e.g. Ride - Rode - Ridden

Here's an exercise to help you remember the perfect tenses and to help you see how many past participles you can remember.

Can you name any other verbs that are irregular in the past participle and put them in a perfect tense sentence? Good luck!

Adjectives List: I to P

Average: 1.8 (252 votes)

Here is part two of our A-Z of adjectives. How many of these adjectives do you recognise? Try to fit the adjectives into the sentences below. Can you make your own sentences with the adjectives provided? Good luck!
Lesson by Caroline