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Present Perfect and Past Simple

Average: 3.7 (26 votes)

Both these tenses can be used to talk about actions that happened in the past but which tense we use depends on the situation.

Danny's Advanced Level Reading Practice - Shopping

Average: 3.9 (8 votes)

Approximately once a month, on a Saturday, my wife and I pack the kids into the car and drive off for a soul-destroying journey through the seven circles of hell…

In other words, we head for the local supermarket to do our monthly shop.

Pre-Intermediate - Verb Patterns

Average: 4.3 (51 votes)

Two-word Prepositions

Average: 3.2 (40 votes)

Many prepositions we use are single words like in, on and at. These are called simple prepositions.

There are also prepositions which are made up of two or three words. These complex prepositions act in the same way as single-word prepositions.

How many of these two-word prepositions are you familiar with?

Let me know if you have any questions about the meanings of any of these sentences.

Link:Quiz on prepositions

In the News: Reading and Vocab for Upper-Intermediate Students

Average: 3.5 (8 votes)

Today's task is a reminder to use online English news sites like the BBC to improve your reading and vocabulary skills.

The following news item is taken from BBC News. You can read the whole story on their webiste: British Airways lines up 1,000 volunteer crew

What is an antecedent?

Average: 4 (134 votes)

Snakes are dangerous if they bite.

They is a pronoun. Snakes is an antecedent. The antecedent is the word that the pronoun is about.

A pronoun must always agree with its antecedent:

In the news: Man eats winning lottery ticket

Average: 2.1 (12 votes)

An airline passenger _A_ a scratch-off lottery ticket aboard a Ryanair plane. After scratching off the ticket he _B_ that he had winning numbers. The ticket he scratched off was said to be _C_ about €10,000.

5 Phrasal verbs for angry people!

Average: 3.2 (46 votes)

Do you have a short fuse (become angry quickly)? There are times when we all blow our top (get angry). Here are some phrasal verbs that may be useful for the times when we get a little hot under the collar (get angry)!

Poor and Poverty; Wealthy and Wealth

Average: 3 (23 votes)

When someone does not have money we can say they are poor. It is an adjective.
"A poor man."

The noun form of poor is poverty.
"Many people in the world still live in poverty."

Business English - Departments in a company

Average: 2.7 (57 votes)

Here is a list of ten departments that can find in a large company or business. Maybe the place where you work has more, less or even different departments. As English is the language of international business communication, it's useful to understand some basic terms.

Match up the departments to what they do.