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Advanced Level Reading: Police fears over "racist" T-shirt

Average: 3.5 (6 votes)

Idiom of the day 'You've Been Had'

Average: 3.6 (32 votes)

When someone gets tricked, cheated or decieved, we say that they have been had. Being mistreated, cheated or dealt with badly, is known as being had.

This expression uses the verb to have in the sense of getting someone in one's power or at a disadvantage.

Health Words

Average: 2.8 (68 votes)

Take a look at these ten words. They are all related to health. Using the letters, match each word to the correct definition. Type A into the correct space, not weather.

How many did you get correct? Can you use these words in your own example sentences?

Mobile Phone English

Average: 2.8 (51 votes)

In British English they are called mobile phones; in American English they are called cell phones. Whichever term you prefer, I'm sure you have one! I've noticed English students arriving at our English schools usually bring their phones with them and if they don't, getting one as soon as they arrive is one of their first priorities!

Business English - How to say I Don't Know

Average: 1.7 (189 votes)

When someone asks you a question, of course, they want an answer. Our problem is, that sometimes we don't have an answer for them, and saying "I don't know" is not good enough. Working in an English speaking workplace, there are other, more appropriate phrases we can use. Saying "I don't know" can make you seem unprofessional and it may make you seem uninterested in the question!

High-Intermediate Level - What are Euphemisms?

Average: 3.2 (25 votes)

Pronouns for Elementary Level Students

Average: 3.3 (142 votes)

In English grammar, a pronoun is a word that is used instead of the noun.

A basic example is "Sarah is tall". In this sentence, Sarah is a noun. Because we know that Sarah is a girl, we can use the pronoun she and keep the same meaning - "She is tall".

Adjective + Preposition Challenge

Average: 3.4 (94 votes)

It's time to test your knowledge of adjective + preposition combinations. Take a look at these common adjectives and choose the prepositions that normally follow them.

It's not easy to remember which preposition is used with which adjective - practice exercises like this are the best way to learn.

When you have finished, write your own example sentences using the correct adjective + preposition combinations. Did you get 10/10?

Link: Prepositions plus '-ing'

Culture Lesson - Pancake Day

Average: 3.6 (7 votes)

Among Christians in English speaking countries, today is known as Pancake Day (or officially Shrove Tuesday), as it is _A_ to eat pancakes. Although the celebration has its _B_ in relgion, you don't have to be a Christian to enjoy the day. Most people celebrate it for the pancakes and nothing more.

Idiom of the day: Lips are Sealed

Average: 3.9 (9 votes)

his lips are sealed

Today's cartoon is about the idiom someone's lips are sealed:

When you promise to keep something a secret you say my lips are sealed. It's something you say to let someone know that you will not tell anyone else what they have just told you.
"Don't worry, Joseph. I won't tell anyone what you told me. My lips are sealed."