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In the news: Metallica

Average: 3.4 (29 votes)

The organisers of Glastonbury festival have ended months of _1_ over who will headline the Pyramid Stage on Saturday, by announcing that Metallica are to fill the spot. _2_ began circulating the other week when Glastonbury organiser Michael Eavis said the final headliners were "one of the biggest-selling bands in the world".

Causative Verbs: Have, Let, Make

Average: 4 (84 votes)

What's the difference in meaning between these sentence? Pay particular attention to the bold verbs:

She's going to clean her room.

She's going to have her room cleaned.

I let her clean her room.

I made her clean her room.

Have, Let and Make

These three words are causative verbs. They show us that some person or thing helps to make something happen; they express what causes an action to happen.

Family members

Average: 4 (24 votes)

Do you have any brothers or sisters? If so, how old are they? Do you get along well with your family? Are friends more important than family? What do you think?

Let's review the names we give family members. These are the ten words you will need to use. Read them through carefully before you






Be, Do and Have Auxiliary Verbs

Average: 3.9 (57 votes)

Use auxiliary verbs before other verbs to form questions, passives and negative sentences, a compound tense or the passive. Auxiliary verbs are also known as helping verbs. These verbs give us more information about the main verb in a sentence often to give us more detail about time. That is why they are used in progressive and perfect tense sentences.

Although there are 23 'helping verbs' in English, which include modal verbs (will, can, should etc.), the three basic auxiliary verbs are:

May Day

Average: 4.4 (35 votes)

Read through this text and choose the correct missing words:

May Day on May 1 is a traditional spring festival and public holiday in many parts of the _1_ Hemisphere. On this day _2_ people would celebrate the end of winter and the return of spring. During the 20th century, traditional May Day celebrations _3_ in many countries as May 1 became associated with Iternational Workers' Day.

Hard and Hardly

Average: 4.3 (32 votes)


Hard (adjective)

When something is difficult to understand or do, it is hard.

These questions are too hard for me.
Learning another language is hard.
She was given a hard task.
I'm tired. I've been working hard all day.

Hard (ajective)

When something is solid, firm and difficult to break or bend.

Find the vocabulary mistakes

Average: 4 (18 votes)

Take a look at these ten sentences, can you find the ten vocabulary mistakes. There is one mistake in each sentence.

The boys left there muddy shoes outside the door.

Be careful with that dish, try not to brake it.

I am not aloud to wear jeans to work.

Will you share a chocolate bar with me? I don't think I can eat a hole one.

The cat opens the window with it's paws.

About EC

Average: 3.9 (23 votes)

Our first school was established in Malta _1_ 1991 and quickly became one of the country's leading English language schools. Today, we help more than 45,000 students _2_ year reach their language goals in 18 breathtaking destinations around _3_ world.

Ways to say Stop

Average: 4.2 (13 votes)

Think about something you did in the past but now you don't. For example, I used to go to high school, but now I don't. Used to tells us we no longer do an action (go to high school).

Today we look at some other words we can use say something has stopped; it no longer happens.


She quit her job and went travelling around Europe.

Give up

How to express worry, anxiety and more!

Average: 4.6 (18 votes)

Being able to talk about personal experiences and describe both positive and negative feelings is an essential speaking, or conversational skill.

Here is a mix of phrasal verbs, expressions and language contexts you could use, as well as their meanings:

To feel awkward about doing something = not comfortable, relaxed or confident.

Wearing shorts makes me feel akward.