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Our Teaching Methods


Reach your language goals faster with our innovative teaching methods

At EC English, our teaching methods are designed to help you develop fluency quickly, with courses that are lively, interactive, and tailored to your goals, skill level and individual learning style. By combining high quality academics with modern technology, real-world immersion and personalised feedback, we ensure that every session boosts your confidence and language proficiency. Whether you’re preparing for an exam or improving your conversational skills, our innovative approach helps you succeed faster in today’s global environment.

Succeed with the Communicative Approach—the EC Way 

We put you at the centre of the learning process 

At EC, we tailor your programme to suit your goals and learning style, and we use the Communicative Approach to help you interact effectively in real-life situations, as well as in class. See how we do it! 

Know what to expect

Our methods ensure that you’re fully involved in your learning process, and that you will always:  

Know what you are learning

Understand why you are learning it 

Be confident in how to use it in real life 

Be able to choose your personal levels of success 

Know what success will look like 

Discover how to do better next time 

Get the EC advantage

No other language school offers this combination of advantages. See why our award-winning teaching methods are unique in the industry. 

Our vision

We help students succeed in a global community.

Our course development

All our courses are research-based and data-driven.

Our methodology

We employ The Communicative Approach—the EC Way

Our assessment

Our assessments are formative, personalized and relevant

Our consistency

We employ company-wide standards and training

Our promise

Your progress is visible and guaranteed

Our vision 

We help students succeed in a global community.    

English is the most spoken language in the world—and the global language of business. So we believe that learning the language is an investment in your future. Whether you want to learn English for school, work or travel,  you’ll need to be able to communicate with people from different cultures, with different accents, and at different levels of proficiency. At EC, we’ve built our courses to help students like you improve your communicative ability, ensuring you have the language, the confidence and the skills to interact with other English speakers from all backgrounds and succeed in a global community. 

Our course development  

Our courses are research-based, data driven and developed by experts. 

At EC, we’re committed to continuous innovation and have made research a cornerstone of our process of review and development. This informs all aspects of academic management from our curriculum to students’ support to teacher training. Everyone on our curriculum development team is dedicated to providing cutting-edge teaching methods and course content. To do this, we: 

• Collect data and analyse feedback to measure course impact and inform development   

• Monitor, evaluate and improve our classroom experience and learning support 

• Research learning and assessment to ensure the most up to date, evidence-based methodology 

• Collaborate with National Geographic Learning (NGL,) to inform our teaching materials 

• Attend and speak at conferences all over the world 

Our methodology

Learning English the EC Way means embracing our Communicative Approach—an approach that emphasizes practical language application through lively, interactive and supportive classes, immersive learning opportunities and personalized feedback. By putting you at the centre of your learning experience and engaging you in a visible process to build your learning, cultural awareness and language skills, we ensure that you’ll see progress every day, and rapidly achieve your goals. Here’s what a lesson looks like, the EC Way: 

  • Classes begin with a real-life objective and clear lesson aims 
  • Throughout the lesson, you’ll work with your partners to learn grammar, vocabulary and skills 
  • Towards the end of the lesson, you will practise using this language in context 

At the end of the lesson, you’ll receive feedback in the form of error correction or insights that emerged in the conversation. 

Our assessment 

Our assessments are formative, personalized and relevant. 

We believe assessments should primarily be a formative process, a true reflection of a student’s capabilities which informs students on their learning needs and successes. So our assessments are designed to meet your individual needs. These assessment take place throughout your language learning journey with EC, so you’re always aware of your progress. 

  • Pre-arrival: You’ll take your Placement Test, followed with a speaking test on arrival.  
  • Daily: You will self-assess and peer assess in class, and receive targeted feedback. 
  • Weekly: On Feedback Fridays, you’ll reflect on your week, get feedback and assess progress. 
  • Monthly: Following your 4-week assessment, you’ll receive feedback on your performance and discuss areas that need work. This is reviewed and can be changed based on your needs. 

End of course: You’ll take an Exit Test which will show the progress you’ve in English, Reading, Writing and Speaking. 

Our consistency 

We employ company-wide standards and training. 

No matter which EC school(s) you choose on your English language-learning journey, you can count on  

an exemplary learning experience. Although we adapt our activity programmes at each school to help you get the most out of your specific host city, we ensure academic consistency across all our centres with best-practice processes and rigorous standards. 

  1. All Directors of Studies are trained in EC policies and procedures. 
  1. All teachers receive the same training on the Communicative Approach: the EC Way.  
  1. All teachers are observed regularly. 
  1. All our schools are committed to continuous professional development of the academic team. 
  1. All schools are audited once a year by a member of the senior management team. 

All schools are accredited by an external accreditation body. 

Our Promise 

Your progress is visible and guaranteed. 

At EC, we believe in continuous innovation, so we’ve made research a cornerstone of our review and development process. The data we collect informs all aspects of our academics—from curriculum to student support to teacher training—and helps us continuously improve how we deliver on our promise to you. As a result, we guarantee your English will improve, as long as you follow your personalized learning plan and meet the following course requirements: 

  • Attend 96% of your classes. We’ll help you take it from there. 
  • Actively participate in lessons with an average score of 9/10 for participation.  

Complete at least three homework assignments weekly, with an average score of 9/10. 

Count on the EC Promise

Your progress is visible and guaranteed 

At EC, we believe in continuous innovation and have made research a cornerstone of the ongoing process of review and development. The data we collect informs all aspects of our academics—from curriculum to student support to teacher training—and helps us continuously improve how we deliver on our Promise to you. Here’s what you can expect: 

  • Structured lesson plans 
  • CELTA- qualified instructors 
  • 4-week modules with weekly feedback  
  • Progress Assessments every 4 weeks at least 
  • Advancement through internationally-recognized levels every 8 weeks 

هل أنت مستعد لبدء قصتك؟

دعنا نجعل رحلة تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية الخاصة بك مغامرة لا تُنسى.

Frequently asked questions

أرغب في تعلُّم الإنجليزية في الخارج. لماذا يجب أن تأخذ طرق التدريس بعين الاعتبار؟?

إن اختيار مدرسة لغات هو قرارٌ صعب، لكنَّ اتخاذه سيكون أسهل إذا عرفتَ ما الذي تبحث عنه. عند اختيار برنامج لغة، يجب عليك بالتأكيد مراعاة السمعة، والموقع، والمرافق، والمجتمع، والأنشطة، والإقامة – ولكن تأكد من مراعاة طرق التدريس أيضاً. فالطريقة التي تتعلَّم بها اللغة لها تأثيرٌ كبيرٌ على سرعة تعلُّمك لها، ومدة احتفاظك بها، ومدى فعاليتك في استخدامها. وحدها EC تقدم لك المنهجَ التواصلي – طريقة EC، وتضمن لك النجاح من خلال وعد EC.

هل تختلف طرق التدريس بين الدورات في EC English؟?

تُقدِّم EC English مجموعةً متنوعةً من دورات اللغة الإنجليزية بأشكالٍ مختلفةٍ، ولكنَّ أساليبنا التعليمية وفلسفتنا التعليمية وأفضل ممارساتنا التعليمية هي المعيار الذي يُستند إليه في جميع هذه الدورات، بدءاً من اللغة الإنجليزية العامة إلى اللغة الإنجليزية للتحضير للامتحانات (مثل امتحان IELTS وTOEFL وامتحانات كامبريدج) وصولاً إلى البرامج المتخصصة مثل اللغة الإنجليزية للعمل واللغة الإنجليزية في المدينة.

ما هي الفلسفة التعليمية التي تسترشد بها طرق تدريس EC؟?

تقوم فلسفة EC التعليمية على فكرة أن الطلاب يجب أن يتعلموا اللغات من أجل التواصل الفعال مع أشخاص من ثقافات وتقاليد متنوعة، وأن يكونوا قادرين على النجاح في مجتمع عالمي. تنعكس فلسفتنا التعليمية في أركاننا الأكاديمية الستة:

  1. رؤية EC: مساعدة الطلاب على النجاح في مجتمع عالمي
  1. تطوير المقررات الدراسية للمفوضية الأوروبية: المقررات الدراسية القائمة على الأبحاث والبيانات
  1. منهجية المفوضية الأوروبية: استخدام المنهج التواصلي – طريقة المفوضية الأوروبية
  1. تقييم المفوضية الأوروبية: تكويني وشخصي وملائم
  1. اتساق المفوضية الأوروبية: المعايير والتدريب على مستوى الشركة
  1. وعد المفوضية الأوروبية: تقدُّمك مرئي ومضمون

ما الذي يجعل طرق تدريس EC فريدةً من نوعها؟?

تستخدم EC المنهج التواصلي. فبالإضافة إلى قيامنا بكلِّ ما يلزم لمساعدتك على التواصل الفعَّال – من خلال الجمع بين الأكاديميين ذوي الجودة العالية والتكنولوجيا الحديثة والانغماس في العالم الحقيقي والتغذية الراجعة الشخصية – نحرصُ دائماً على أن نوضِّح لكَ بوضوحٍ تقدُّمك وما يمكن توقُّعه. سوف تكون دائماً

  • معرفة ما تتعلمه
  • تفهم سبب تعلُّمك له
  • أن تكون واثقاً من كيفية استخدامه في الحياة الواقعية
  • أن تكون قادراً على اختيار مستويات نجاحك الشخصية
  • معرفة كيف سيبدو النجاح
  • اكتشف كيفية القيام بالأفضل في المرة القادمة

النشرة الإخبارية

اشترك في النشرة الإخبارية عبر البريد الإلكتروني للحصول على العروض الخاصة والنصائح المفيدة والموارد القيمة.

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