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Baby Beckham!

Average: 3.2 (13 votes)

Victoria Beckham aka Posh Spice and David Beckham the famous footballer, added another baby to their brood. Read this article and see if you can answer the true or false questions below. Do you think Harper is lucky to have such famous parents, or do you think it will lead to a difficult childhood? I’d love to hear your opinions.

Lesson by Caroline Devane

Airport Vocabulary Word Scramble

Average: 2 (150 votes)

I just came back from South Africa, so I won't be travelling for a while! But you might! Here is some important vocabulary that will help you at the airport. Read through the text and try to 'unscramble' the orange words to find the airport related vocab. Good luck!

Flying First Class

Average: 4.2 (12 votes)

What's the best perk of flying first class?

Perk: Advantage or extra benefit.

Many of our students fly for hours, across the world, to come and study with us! Do you ever wish you could enjoy your flight in first class bliss? I know I certainly do. Apparently, first class flights will soon be even better than ever.

Read the article below and then put the vocabulary in the correct gap.

What couldn't you live without?

Average: 3.2 (32 votes)

The things I couldn't live without fall into two categories, material and emotional.

I couldn't live without my family and friends; I couldn't live without happiness; I couldn't live without dance etc.

There are also some material things that I feel I couldn't live without, though I'm sure if I had to then I would cope!

Read through my material must-haves and then answer the true or false questions below. Make sure you tell us five of your material must-haves too!

The Kindle - Upper Intermediate reading.

Average: 3.8 (11 votes)

The Kindle- Upper Intermediate reading.

A letter from Caroline - My best friend

Average: 2.4 (8 votes)

Read the letter below about Caroline's best friend and then answer the true or false questions. Why don't you write to us about your best friend? How did you meet? Why are they your best friend?

Key Vocab:

GCSE's: Exams students in England take when they are sixteen.
Sixth form: Similar to college, students in England attend from the age of sixteen to eighteen.
Master's: Post graduate study.

How to manage your time

Average: 3.6 (12 votes)

Here are some helpful tips on how to manage your time. Read through them and then see if you can answer the true or false questions below.

Lesson by Caroline

Time Management

Managing your time can be really difficult, especially when you are trying to balance work, study and a social life. I've thought about this a lot this year, as I have been pulled in so many different directions. I've come up with some 'top tips' for managing your time effectively!

Airplanes and Flying

Average: 3.5 (14 votes)

I have a love-hate relationship with airplanes. The 'love' part is fairly straightforward, so let's get that over with right away...

I love airplanes because they get me from where I am to where I want to be in a relatively quick and easy way, in a straight line from A to B, across the C.

There you go. I told you it was fairly straightforward.

What I hate about airplanes is pretty much everything else.

Good News for Chocoholics

Average: 2.9 (12 votes)

Chocoholics across the world, I have some excellent news!

Read the article below and then decide which word completes each gap.

I've given you the meanings of the words to help you complete the exercise, as well as a few pieces of useful vocabulary.

The useful vocabulary DO NOT FIT THE GAPS, it is just there to help you out. Good luck!

Lesson by Caroline Devane

Goals and Desires

Average: 3.6 (18 votes)

A very wise woman once told me about the difference between desires and goals and I've decided that I'd like to share that information with you. The difference between the two can be difficult to understand sometimes but knowing they exist can help you move towards your dreams in a contented way.