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What's a Hen Party?

Average: 3.8 (10 votes)

In England, it is custom for the bride to have a 'Hen-do' and the man to have a 'stag-do'.

It just happens that I am going to my first hen party this weekend!

Read the article about hen and stag do's and try and fit the vocabulary in the correct gaps.

Have you ever been to a hen or stag do? How did it go? Let us know!

Lesson by Caroline


Average: 3.5 (15 votes)

Hey guess what it's nearly my birthday! Well...in October...Ok so it's not nearly my birthday but when it is please can one of you lovely people buy me one of these incredible cakes!

This article is all about a man who makes art works out of cakes!

Read the article and complete the gaps with the correct vocabulary.

Then go and buy yourself some cake.

Go on, you deserve it.

Lesson by Caroline Devane

Do you have Stress?

Average: 3.3 (8 votes)

People keep shouting 'chillax' at me as I run from job to job like a headless chicken.

I'd love to, honestly, but sometimes having five jobs can be very exhausting!

Unfortunately, this is clearly bad for my health and generally, the more relaxed we are, the more healthy and happy we are too.

Read through this article and see if you can fit the missing words in the correct gaps. Remember, don't stress if you find it difficult - chillax!

Job Descriptions

Average: 3.4 (5 votes)

Here is a very practical example of reading practice in English.

Below is a job description for a job with a famous theatre located in the South of England.

When you apply for a job, you should always read the full job description, as it will give you details on what the employer is looking for and what your responsibilities will be.

Read through the following job description and then check your understanding by answering the true or false questions below.

Lesson by Caroline Devane

Student Budgets - Reading & Vocabulary

Average: 3.9 (10 votes)

One of the biggest concerns for students is how they are going to budget when they're not working full time.

Here are some handy tips to help you save some cash! Read the article and fill the gaps with the correct vocabulary from the list.

Lesson by Caroline Devane

New Animals

Average: 4.2 (10 votes)

My lessons this week are focusing on the natural world and our beautiful planet.

Did you know that new animals are being discovered all the time? This article discusses some exciting recent discoveries.

Read through the article and then decide whether the statements below are true or false. From the statements, can you guess what my opinion of spiders might be...

Lesson by Caroline Devane

Business English at EC

Average: 1.4 (135 votes)

English is one of the most widely spoke languages in the world, and most businesses depend on their staff having a good level of English in order to progress in the cut and thrust world of trade today.

A German manufacturing company may need to deal with a Chinese import/export firm and it is not uncommon that English is the language used, not just for meetings and negotiation but socially too.

So what can students expect from a Business English course at EC?

Danny's Reading: Happiness

Average: 4.4 (14 votes)

I plan to live forever...So far, so good.

And I know that's an odd way to start an article, but there is a chain of thought that leads up to this statement, so let's get on with it and see if we can connect the dots…

Extinct and Endangered Animals

Average: 3.4 (21 votes)

This is quite a difficult lesson and should give you a good challenge!

Many animals no longer exist today and some animals such as pandas have nearly disappeared.

In other words they are extinct or endangered.

This article has some missing vocabulary.

I have taken out some of the past simple verbs.

You need to decide which verb goes in which gap and change the verb to its past simple form.

Good luck!

Lesson by Caroline

In the news - South Africa

Average: 4.8 (21 votes)

This week I’m writing to you from Cape Town!

I'm visiting friends and family and of course will be visiting everyone at EC Cape Town, where I used to work.

I've been reading the newspapers and saw that Michelle Obama is going to be here at the same time as me, maybe I'll go and say hello! Read through this brief article and then see if you can answer the true or false questions below.

Take care everyone, maybe I'll see some of you in our Cape Town English school!