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In the News - Adoption

Average: 4.1 (21 votes)

There are new guidelines in the U.K. regarding adoption. Now, parents should be able to adopt a child of a different race to their own.

Adoption: (noun) the act of legally taking a child to be looked after as your own. Verb: adopt.

Officially, this has always been the policy, but has rarely happened, as efforts are made to place children with backgrounds 'similar' to their own.

Danny's Reading: Storytelling

Average: 4 (6 votes)

Telling Stories

This is an article about airports. At least, I think it is...I'm not really entirely sure yet. But it definitely starts with airports. A lot of things do.

What do you do on Sunday?

Average: 1.9 (301 votes)

Phrasal Verbs Reading

The following text contains 10 highlighted phrasal verbs. Your task is to match them to the correct definitions.

During the week I always have to get up early for work so on Sunday I love to wake up late, usually around 9am and then get up 30 minutes later.

What do you do on Sunday?

Average: 1.5 (2 votes)

Phrasal Verbs Reading

The following text contains 10 highlighted phrasal verbs. Your task is to match them to the correct definitions.

During the week I always have to get up early for work so on Sunday I love to wake up late, usually around 9am and then get up 30 minutes later.

Twinglish - English on Twitter

Average: 3.6 (14 votes)

What is Twitter?

Twitter is a social networking service (like Facebook or My Space) that allows users to send and read messages. Users post their messages on their wall and read messages sent by other people they 'follow'.

Each twitter post, called a tweet, uses a maximum of 140 characters which is about 30 words at most. That means you can write a couple of short sentences or one long one.

Twitter is very popular with famous people. US President Barack Obama has nearly 8 million people following his updates.

Conspiracy Theories Reading Comprehension

Average: 3.1 (14 votes)

Though I never believe them, I can waste hours when I should be studying, reading about conspiracy theories. Here is a selection of my favourites! Read the article carefully and then try and answer the true or false questions below. Do you know of any other conspiracy theories? Do you believe in any of them?

Good luck. May the force be with you!
Lesson by Caroline Devane

The Royal Wedding

Average: 4.4 (15 votes)

There is much anticipation for William and Kate's Royal Wedding, which is taking place tomorrow.

It is the wedding of our future king, as well as the first royal wedding for eleven years. Read this article, which tells us the facts we need to know about the day and see if you can fit the vocabulary into the correct gaps.

Study Tip: Do you ever try and guess how the vocabulary relates to the story. How do you think the royal wedding could be related to a turkey?!

What is Slam Poetry?

Average: 3.8 (21 votes)

Read this article about the history of slam poetry and see if you can answer the true or false questions after. Then, why don’t you try and write some of your own slam poetry? There are slam events happening in most major cities in the world. Whilst your studying it would be a great idea to attend one, and maybe even perform!
Lesson by Caroline

Student Talk: Learning English in Boston

Average: 3.8 (5 votes)

Hyo, an English language student at EC Boston English School talks about her time with us. Want to learn English in Boston too?

My experience learning English in Boston

Hi, my name is Hyo Jin Kang and I am from South Korea.

I have been here for six months and I am taking the General English Course.

The Oscars 2011

Average: 4.6 (22 votes)

The Oscar Nominations are in and Hollywood has nothing else to talk about! The only film I've seen that has been nominated is 'Black Swan', so I think I need to get myself to the cinema. Read through this article and then see if you can fit the vocabulary into the correct gaps.

Lesson by Caroline Devane