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Reading Comprehension: Online Dating

Average: 3.8 (13 votes)

Would you be willing to try online dating? Recent research shows that it is an excellent way of meeting people, but it is still considered a 'taboo' by many. Read the article below and then decide whether the following statements are true or false.
By Caroline Devane

Upper Intermediate Reading Comprehension

Average: 3.8 (22 votes)

Lots of EC students are learning English to improve their prospects at work. This article looks at how you can climb up the employment ladder and increase your opportunities. Read through the article then answer the true or false questions below.

I have also given you some key vocabulary to help your understanding.

Lesson by Caroline Devane

Why Learn English in Brighton?

Average: 2.9 (13 votes)

Every month EC Brighton English School teacher, Tim Cooke writes about his experiences as a professional English teacher.

This month he tells us why Brighton is a great place to study English.

...if you're fond of sand dunes and salty air...

Danny's Reading - It's March

Average: 3.5 (6 votes)

And so it's March.

Here’s a cheerful fact about the month of March, just for you...

As months go, it’s a bit rubbish.

True or False Reading - World's youngest yoga teacher

Average: 3.5 (17 votes)

This little girl is another example of a child prodigy, someone who is extremely talented at a very young age. Yoga is a form of exercise that focuses on physical and mental health.

It is extremely challenging, as you can see from the photo!

Read this article and see if you can answer the true or false questions.

Reading Comprehension - True or False Activity

Average: 3.6 (34 votes)

Walt Disney has brought joy to many of us as both children and adults. But how much do you know about the parks that exist all over the world? Read through the article below and see if you can answer the true or false questions afterwards.
Lesson by Craoline Devane

Advanced Level Reading: Brainy Teenagers

Average: 3.2 (15 votes)

Here's an interesting article about how the brains of teenagers and adults function differently. Read the article and fit the vocabulary into the correct gaps. Do you agree with the article and think that teenagers find it more difficult to concentrate than adults? Or do you, like me, think it may be something to do with the increased amount of coffee we drink as we get older!
By Caroline Devane

Want to lose weight?

Average: 3.4 (9 votes)

Is anyone still following a post-New Year diet? I certainly am not and decided to boycott it this year and continue eating chocolate and sweet things. This article is about a man who decided to try a ‘junk food diet’! Read the article and see if you can answer the true or false questions at the end. Good luck!
By Caroline Devane

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Average: 4.1 (10 votes)

Lots of young people have grown up with Harry Potter, and this winter brought the first part of the final film- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Have you been to see it? If not, then maybe you should leave this lesson until you have, because there might be some spoilers!
Lesson by Caroline Devane

Advanced Level Reading - Greenland

Average: 3 (7 votes)

Climate change is a huge issue, and in Greenland they are feeling the effects. This article is about the many changes that Greenland is experiencing and also gives the reader an insight into the local culture. There is a lot of rich vocabulary some beautiful imagery. See if you can decide which word fits in which gap and then let me know if there is any other vocabulary in the article which you would like explained.
Lesson by Caroline