Guaranteed Success
When students make the effort, we guarantee their progression! If they meet the course requirements, they may progress at the rate shown below. On average students tend to advance one EC level every eight weeks. If it seems like they are not progressing at this rate, we provide them with support.
Our Progress Chart helps students plan their journey to fluency. To get an idea of how many lessons our students need to get to their target level, simply count the weeks.
EC English Level Chart
You have a very basic knowledge of vocabulary and simple grammatical structure. You can invite someone somewhere and talk about your past.
You understand most conversations spoken slowly and clearly. You can give someone simple directions on the street.
You speak fairly easily on everyday matters. You can explain what you need from service providers.
You can communicate easily on everyday matters but have a limited range of expression. You can have a conversation on the telephone.
You can use the language with some confidence but with noticeable lapses in accuracy and fluency. You can give a short business presentation in English.
You can use the language with confidence. You can read English newspapers, follow TV news and apply for an English-speaking job.
With a good command of English, you can read and write accurately with few errors. You can understand most academic texts and lectures.
You have near-full command of the language. You can use industry terms for your field of study.
Congratulations to all our students for their hard work and commitment to improving their English.
Every year, 40,000 students from all over the world choose to improve their English with us.
Find out more about EC English
Disclaimer: EC has drawn upon the most hghly regarded and up-to-date sorces to produce the comparisons above. The main purpose of the above table is to illustrate the relationship between the targeted examinations and EC levels. The table does not constitute claims of exact equivalences between different tests.