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Home Cursos de Inglês Cursos para Adultos Erasmus Plus for teachers English and Teaching Methodology

Erasmus+ English & Teaching Methodology course 


Improve your teaching methods and English fluency in Malta

Do you want to take advantage of the EU’s Erasmus+ mobility programme to become the best teacher you can be? Take our Erasmus+ English & Teaching Methodology course at EC Malta 30+. Designed exclusively for educators, this English teacher training course provides a blend of General English lessons and novel teaching methodology skills to help you communicate effectively and speed learning. You’ll improve your fluency while building teaching skills. You’ll work alongside other educators from around the world. And you’ll be immersed in exciting culture of Malta, with endless opportunities to practise your English.

Minimum Level


Lessons per week:

30 (20 General English + 10 Teaching Methodology)

Hours per week


Students per class



7 April – 17 April, 28 July – 08, August 13 October – 24 October

Available in


Build your teaching skills on the beautiful island of Malta 

Immerse yourself in a new cultural experience and meet new colleagues from all over the world. 

Let us guide you toward your goals while ensuring an unforgettable study experience that will stay with you for a lifetime. Your journey with EC School is more than just education—it’s a path to a brighter future, filled with opportunities and growth.

What you can expect on this course

Improve Skills

On your Erasmus+ English & Teaching Methodology course, you’ll dig in to the differences between teaching systems and skills and learn to set real-life objectives. As part of your course, you will: 

  • Learn to scaffold your lesson to achieve these objectives. 
  • Learn how to ensure your learners are at the centre of the learning conversation. 
  • Examine error-correction and feedback techniques. 
  • Learn to plan effective lessons. 
  • Learn practical techniques for working on pronunciation. 
  • Discuss the use of authentic materials. 

Discuss the most effective approaches to finishing a lesson. dent learner-generated multimedia. 

Weekly Progress

Working in pairs and groups, you’ll develop your communicative confidence. Every week, you’ll learn a minimum of two language points, gather a range of topic-related lexis, develop a single study skill across the week and build your intercultural communication skills. You can count on: 

  • Practical Homework Tasks—for practicing outside the classroom 
  • Weekly Scores—on your speaking, homework, participation and motivation.  

Feedback Fridays—when your teacher will review the week’s learning with you. 

Get personalized attention in smaller classes

Our average class size is 10 students, (with a 14-student maximum), so it’s easy to tailor your programme to your needs. 

Maximum 14   

EC support, every step of the way 

From the moment you register for your Erasmus+ course to well after you leave us, we’ve got your back. 


You’ll get access to our MyEC app, where you can: 

  • Take your Placement Test—and then get instant access to self-study exercises  
  • Set your learning goals. 
  • Learn about our approach to learning. 
  • Watch a welcome video and get details about your welcome event   


As part of your course, you will receive: 

  • Study materials and access to more online materials 
  • A fun social and cultural activities programme 
  • Additional academic workshops (optional). 
  • Accommodation (optional). 


In your final week, you will receive: 

  • An Exit Test. 
  • An Exit Report outlining your progress. 
  • A feedback survey. 
  • A certificate of attendance. 


With MyEC, you can continue learning even after your course has ended! With three month’s access, you can continue working on your English development with authentic online news lessons, grammar activities or skills development tasks.   

Conte com a Promessa EC

Na EC English, prometemos que seu progresso será sempre visível e garantido. Simplificando, desde que você siga seu programa de aprendizado personalizado, garantimos que seu inglês irá melhorar.

Reasons to take our Erasmus+ English and Teaching Methodology course 

You are an educator, over 25 years old, and do not have English as a first language 
You teach English or another subject through English (CLIL)
You are planning to teach English or through English in the future 
You are interested in new teaching methodologies

Experimente resultados reais

Na EC, temos o compromisso de garantir os melhores resultados para nossos alunos. É por isso que, há 30 anos, fazemos da pesquisa e da medição os pilares de nosso desenvolvimento curricular, métodos de ensino e processo de revisão. Essa abordagem nos permite projetar cientificamente uma experiência de aprendizado de idiomas para você, com base em suas necessidades e metas exclusivas, que proporcionará resultados ideais de forma confiável.

Frequently asked questions

Quero frequentar os cursos de formação de professores de inglês Erasmus+ da EC. O meu país participa no programa Erasmus+?

Os seguintes países participam no programa Erasmus: Os estados membros da UE (União Europeia); os estados membros da EFTA (Associação Europeia de Comércio Livre): Noruega, Islândia e Liechtenstein; os países em vias de adesão, os países candidatos e os países potencialmente candidatos: a República da Macedónia do Norte, a República da Turquia e a República da Sérvia. Os países NÃO associados ao programa incluem: Os Balcãs Ocidentais, os países do sul do Mediterrâneo, a Federação Russa, a Ásia, a Ásia Central, o Médio Oriente, os países do Pacífico, a África Subsariana, a América Latina, as Caraíbas, os Estados Unidos, o Canadá, Andorra, o Estado da Cidade do Vaticano, o Mónaco, São Marino, as Ilhas Faroé, a Suíça e o Reino Unido (podem aplicar-se algumas excepções ao Reino Unido).

Que professores podem frequentar o curso Erasmus+ Inglês e Metodologia de Ensino?

Podem candidatar-se a uma bolsa para cursos de formação de professores de inglês Erasmus+ na CE vários grupos diferentes, incluindo professores universitários, pessoal educativo das escolas, professores e pessoal de escolas profissionais, universidades e instituições de educação de adultos.

Quais são os alojamentos do meu curso de formação de professores de inglês Erasmus+ na EC?

Oferecemos alojamento em casa de família ou residência de estudantes (opcional). Se escolheres uma casa de família, irás viver com uma família em Malta. Uma estadia em casa de família é uma óptima opção se quiser ter a oportunidade de praticar o seu inglês com uma família local durante refeições caseiras. Se procura mais independência, talvez queira considerar uma residência de estudantes.

Por que devo fazer um curso de formação de professores de inglês Erasmus+ na EC Malta 30+?

Ao frequentar o nosso curso de formação de professores Erasmus+ de Inglês e Metodologia de Ensino, estará a melhorar o seu inglês e a adquirir novas e valiosas competências de ensino. Estará imerso em todas as vistas, sons e actividades de uma nova cultura de língua inglesa. Estudará com outros educadores do seu grupo etário, que partilham os seus objectivos. E tudo isto em Malta, uma ilha paradisíaca com três locais classificados como Património Mundial pela UNESCO, uma vida nocturna animada e águas cristalinas.

Open up new opportunities with Erasmus+ English teacher training courses at EC 

Erasmus+ opens doors for educators, by providing subsidized opportunities for language study and teacher training abroad, As a participating partner, EC helps you make the most of your Erasmus+ English teacher training experience with high quality English instruction coupled with immersive learning. As you study, you’ll be building your CV with transferable, in-demand skills like bilingualism, independent thinking and cultural awareness. You’ll build valuable global networks of professional colleagues. And you’ll deepen your understanding of the world and yourself.

Speed fluency with immersive experiences in Malta

Research shows that immersing yourself in a language is the fastest way to learn and the best way to retain it. That’s why you’ll love our Erasmus+ English teacher training courses in Malta—one of the most thrilling English-speaking destinations in the world. EC Malta 30+ offers English classes plus social and cultural activities programme tailored to students 30 and over, to help you supercharge language learning. These activities and events include historical tours, dining experiences and cultural activities where you can practise your English.

Study with professional teachers

When you take our Erasmus+ English teacher training courses, like Erasmus+ English and Teaching Methodology at EC Malta 30+, you’ll learn from instructors who are not only experts in their fields, they’re inspiring motivators who are able to tailor your lessons to your needs. Every step of the way, you can count on them to provide guidance, support, feedback and regular assessments to ensure that you are always getting the most out of your course and are on track to meet your unique goals.

Work alongside likeminded classmates 

Taking Erasmus + English and Teacher Methodology, or other Erasmus+ English teacher training courses at EC Malta 30+, you’ll be studying alongside likeminded classmates from all over the world who are in your age group and share your passions, professional interests and career goals. You’ll enhance your skills together, building lifelong friendships and create unforgettable memories.

Count on a supportive school community

At EC Malta 30+, we know that when you take one of our Erasmus+ English teacher training courses like Erasmus+ English Teaching Methodology, a supportive learning environment is key to your success. So you can rest assured that all your instructors will provide guidance, encouragement and motivation as you improve your skills. At EC Malta, as in all our EC schools, you can also count on the support of a nurturing community that is deeply committed to inclusivity and diversity. You’ll always feel like you belong here, and that your unique voice is part of the global conversation.


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