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Erasmus+ English & Digital Skills course 


Take the teachers’ digital skills course you need while improving your English

In today’s classrooms, as in all modern workplaces, strong digital skills are essential—for teaching as well as learning. Take advantage of our Erasmus+ English and Digital Skills teacher training course at our Malta 30+ school to make sure your teacher digital skills are up to date. This course provides a blend of General English lessons and digital skill development to help you communicate effectively using digital technologies and platforms to help you and your students succeed in the global community.

Minimum Level


Hours per week


Lessons per week

Lessons per week: 30 (20 General English + 10 Digital Skills)

Lesson Duration

1 Lesson = 45 minutes

Course dates

10/02/2025 – 21/02/2025, 14/07/2025 – 25/07/2025, 29/09/2025 – 10/10/2025

Available in


Build your digital skills on the beautiful island of Malta 

Immerse yourself in a new cultural experience at EC Malta 30+ and meet new colleagues from all over the world. 

Let us guide you toward your goals while ensuring an unforgettable study experience that will stay with you for a lifetime. Your journey with EC School is more than just education—it’s a path to a brighter future, filled with opportunities and growth.

What you can expect on this course

Improve Skills

On your Erasmus+ English and Digital Skills course, you’ll learn how to effectively use 21st century technologies in your classrooms and incorporate them into your lessons. As part of your course, you will: 

  • Learn to incorporate MS Teams and interactive TVs into your lessons. 
  • Learn to use mobile phones in research, sharing and presentations 
  • Learn to use various learning apps. 
  • Discuss possible stumbling blocks and challenges. 
  • Examine flipped lessons. 
  • Explore digital storytelling. 

Learn to use student learner-generated multimedia. 

Weekly Progress

Working in pairs and groups, you’ll develop your communicative confidence. Every week, you’ll learn a minimum of two language points, gather a range of topic-related lexis, develop a single study skill across the week and build your intercultural communication skills. You can count on: 

  • Practical Homework Tasks—for practicing outside the classroom 
  • Weekly Scores—on your speaking, homework, participation and motivation.  

Feedback Fridays—when your teacher will review the week’s learning with you. 

Get personalized attention in smaller classes

Our average class size is 10 students, (with a 14-student maximum), so it’s easy to tailor your programme to your needs. 

Maximum 14   

EC support, every step of the way 

From the moment you register for your Erasmus+ course to well after you leave us, we’ve got your back. 


You’ll get access to our MyEC app, where you can: 

  • Take your Placement Test—and then get instant access to self-study exercises  
  • Set your learning goals. 
  • Learn about our approach to learning. 
  • Watch a welcome video and get details about your welcome event   


As part of your course, you will receive: 

  • Study materials and access to more online materials 
  • A fun social and cultural activities programme 
  • Additional academic workshops (optional). 
  • Accommodation (optional). 


In your final week, you will receive: 

  • An Exit Test. 
  • An Exit Report outlining your progress. 
  • A feedback survey. 
  • A certificate of attendance. 


With MyEC, you can continue learning even after your course has ended! With three month’s access, you can continue working on your English development with authentic online news lessons, grammar activities or skills development tasks.  

Полагайтесь на гарантию от EC

С EC English ваш прогресс всегда будет заметен и гарантирован. Если вы следуете своей индивидуальной программе обучения, мы гарантируем, что ваш английский язык улучшится.

This course is suitable for students who

You are an educator, over 25 years old, and do not have English as a first language 
You teach English or another subject through English (CLIL)
You are planning to teach English or through English in the future 
You want to learn about new technologies for the classroom 

Получите реальный результат

В EC мы стремимся обеспечить наилучшие результаты для наших студентов. Именно поэтому уже 30 лет мы основываем развитие учебных программ, методы преподавания и процесс оценки на исследованиях и измерениях. Такой подход позволяет нам научно разрабатывать процесс обучения языку, который соответствует вашим уникальным потребностям и целям, и обеспечивает надежные результаты. 

Frequently asked questions

Я хочу пройти курс "Цифровое мастерство учителя" в рамках программы EC. Участвует ли моя страна в программе Erasmus+?

В программе Erasmus участвуют следующие страны: Страны-члены ЕС (Европейского союза); страны-члены EFTA (Европейской ассоциации свободной торговли): Норвегия, Исландия и Лихтенштейн; страны, вступающие в ЕС, страны-кандидаты и потенциальные кандидаты: Республика Северная Македония, Турецкая Республика и Республика Сербия. К странам, не участвующим в программе, относятся: Западные Балканы, южные страны Средиземноморья, Российская Федерация, Азия, Центральная Азия, Ближний Восток, страны Тихоокеанского региона, страны Африки южнее Сахары, Латинская Америка, страны Карибского бассейна, США, Канада, Андорра, Ватикан, Монако, Сан-Марино, Фарерские острова, Швейцария и Великобритания (возможны некоторые исключения для Великобритании).

Какие преподаватели могут пройти курс "Цифровые навыки преподавателя" в рамках программы Erasmus+?

На наш курс Erasmus+ "Английский язык и цифровые навыки" в EC Malta 30+ могут претендовать самые разные группы: преподаватели университетов, школьные педагоги, учителя и сотрудники профессиональных школ, университетов и учебных заведений для взрослых.

Каковы варианты проживания на курсе "Цифровые навыки преподавателя" на Мальте?

Мы предлагаем проживание в семье или в студенческой резиденции (на выбор). Если вы выберете проживание в семье, вы будете жить в семье на Мальте. Проживание в семье – отличный вариант, если вы хотите иметь возможность практиковать свой английский в местной семье за домашней едой. Если же вы ищете больше независимости, возможно, вам стоит рассмотреть вариант проживания в студенческой резиденции.

Я хочу развить свои цифровые навыки учителя. Почему я должен пройти курс EC Digital Skills?

Прохождение курса Erasmus+ "Английский язык и цифровые навыки" в EC Malta 30+ помогает педагогам приобрести цифровые компетенции, которые необходимы в современном классе и на глобальном рабочем месте. Курс покажет вам, как эффективно использовать цифровые технологии – от команд MS и инструментов для совместной работы до интерактивных досок и новейших приложений. Он также повысит ваш профессиональный уровень и улучшит возможности трудоустройства, продемонстрировав ваше стремление к обучению на протяжении всей жизни

Advance your career with our Erasmus+ teacher Digital Skills programme at EC Malta 

Want to become the best teacher you can be? Our Erasmus+ English Digital Skills course will help you develop the digital literacy and teacher digital skills that are essential for the modern classroom and curriculum. EC helps you make the most of your Erasmus+ teacher training experience with high quality classroom instruction coupled with immersive learning. As you build teacher digital skills, you’ll be building your CV with transferrable skills like bilingualism and cultural awareness. You’ll build global networks of professional colleagues. And you’ll deepen your understanding of the world and yourself. 

Speed fluency with immersive experiences in Malta 

Research shows that immersing yourself in a language is the fastest way to learn it—and the best way to retain it. That’s why you’ll love taking our teacher Digital Skills course in Malta—one of the most thrilling English-speaking destinations in the world. EC Malta 30+ offers our Erasmus+ English and Digital Skills classes alongside an exciting social and cultural activities programme tailored to students 30 and over, to help you supercharge your learning.  

Work alongside likeminded classmates 

Taking an Erasmus+ teacher digital skills course at EC Malta 30+ means studying alongside likeminded educators from all over the world who are in your age group and share your passions, professional interests and career goals. Together, you’ll enhance your teaching and learning skills, build lifelong friendships and create unforgettable memories. 

Study with highly trained teachers 

When you take our Erasmus+  teacher digital skills training course at EC Malta 30+,  you’ll learn from instructors who are not only experts in their fields, they’re inspiring motivators who are able to tailor your lessons to your needs. Every step of the way, you can count on them to provide guidance, support, feedback and regular assessments to ensure that you are always getting the most out of your course and are on track to meet your unique goals. 

Count on a supportive school community  

At EC Malta 30+, we know that when you take one of our Erasmus+ teacher training courses, like our teacher digital skills course, a supportive learning environment is key to your success. So you can rest assured that your Erasmus+ English and Digital Skills instructors will provide guidance, encouragement and motivation as you improve your skills. At EC Malta, as in all our EC schools, you can also count on the support of a nurturing community that is deeply committed to inclusivity and diversity. You’ll always feel like you belong here, and that your unique voice is part of the global conversation. 


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