Home 英語コース Erasmus+ English Courses

Erasmus+ English courses 


Learn English for school or work with Erasmus+ courses at EC 

Looking to hone your English skills, develop your career or just broaden your horizons? The Erasmus+ programme is a great way to do it. As an Erasmus+ partner, we offer students and educators the opportunity to take General English courses at 2 of our most popular 30+ schools. If you’re a student, you can take classes in Dublin, Ireland’s vibrant capital, with other students from all over the world. If you’re an educator, you can study with likeminded professionals in Dublin of sunny Malta (and take advantage of our Erasmus+ teacher training courses while you’re there). Whatever your goals are, we’ll set you up for success. 


Available for all levels

Course Duration

1 week minimum

Course start dates

Every Monday

Available in

Malta 30+, Dublin 30+

Choose General English on your Erasmus

Explore our tailored programs for different age groups

General English

Gives you a practical understanding of the English language and takes you all the way to fluency. See your confidence improve as we train you in all communication skills.

20 General English Lessons
per week

General English

This option includes four lessons per week in your choice of Special Focus lessons. This amount is a good balance of lesson time and free time during your stay.

20 General English Lessons
per week

+4 Special Focus Classes

General English

Combine 20 General English lessons with six Special Focus lessons every week. This is a more rigorous academic schedule with less free time for other activities compared to 20 lessons a week.

20 General English Lessons
per week

+6 Special Focus Classes

General English

This intensive option allows you to personalise your course by taking ten lessons per week of Special Focus options. This is a good choice for students who want to progress quickly.

20 General English Lessons
per week

+10 Special Focus Classes


EC English では、あなたの進捗が常に見える形で保証されることをお約束します。簡単に言うと、個別の学習プログラムを順守すれば、必ず英語力が向上することを保証します。














MyECは、オックスフォード大学出版 (Oxford University Press) と共同開発された学習アプリで、ECでの体験を最大限に活用できるように設計されています。

  • 豊富な自習教材を利用
  • 学習目標を設定し、進捗を管理
  • チュートリアルを受け、タイムリーなフィードバックを獲得
  • 他の学生と一緒にイベントを計画

Frequently asked questions





  • 学生(学士号、修士号、博士号取得者)
  • 学校、専門学校、大学、成人教育機関の教育スタッフ
  • 見習い、 専門学校卒業生 ディプロマ取得後12カ月以内


エラスムスプログラムに参加している国は以下の通りです: EU(欧州連合)加盟国

EFTA (欧州自由貿易連合)加盟国:ノルウェー、アイスランド、リヒテンシュタイン



学生、教師、教育スタッフのいずれであっても、ECのエラスムス+英語コースで英語を学ぶことには多くのメリットがあります。語学力の向上だけでなく、海外で貴重な経験を積むことで、異文化対応能力を身につけることができます。雇用主にとって魅力的な新しいスキルで履歴書をアップさせることができます:エラスムスのモビリティー・プログラム( )に参加した成人の就職率は、最大で23%高くなります。また、世界中から集まる新しい友人と出会い、グローバルなネットワークを広げることができます。

Open up new opportunities with Erasmus English courses at EC

Erasmus+, the programme that provides subsidized opportunities for students and educators from the European Union to study, train or volunteer abroad, opens doors. As a participating partner, EC helps you make the most of your Erasmus+ experience with high quality English instruction coupled with immersive learning. As you study, you’ll be building your CV with transferrable, in-demand skills like bilingualism, independent thinking and cultural awareness. You’ll build lifelong friendships and build valuable global networks of professional colleagues. And you’ll deepen your understanding of the world and yourself.

Speed fluency with immersive experiences

Research shows that immersing yourself in a language is the fastest way to learn it—and the best way to retain it. That’s why you’ll find our Erasmus English courses in two of the most amazing English-speaking destinations in the world, Dublin and Malta. Each school offers English classes plus social and cultural activities that can help you supercharge language learning, including museum tours, dining experiences, historical trips and more, so you can use your English in real life situations.

Study with highly trained teachers

When you take our Erasmus English courses, you’ll learn from instructors who are not only experts in their fields, they’re inspiring motivators who are able to tailor your lessons to your needs and skill level, from Beginner to Advanced. Every step of the way, you can count on your instructors to provide guidance, support, feedback and regular assessments to ensure that you are always getting the most out of your course and are on track to meet your unique goals.

Get the flexibility to learn at your own speed

At EC, we know that each of our language learners has unique study preferences and goals. So we offer our Erasmus English courses in a variety of formats, for students and teachers alike, at every language level from Beginner to Advanced. If you want a practical understanding of English and basic skills, you can take 20 General English lessons per week. If you want to balance academics and free time, you can take 24 lessons per week. If you want a more rigorous schedule of academics, you can take 26 lessons per week. Or if you want to progress as fast as possible, you can take intensive General English (30 lessons per week).

Work alongside likeminded classmates

When you take an Erasmus English course at one of our EC 30+ schools, not only will you be improving your skills, you’ll be studying in a school alongside likeminded classmates from all over the world who are in your age group and share your passions and goals. For example, if you are a student, you’ll be learning with others looking to improve their English for school, work or travel. If you are an educator studying in Malta, you’ll study with other ambitious professionals who share your career goals. You’ll enhance your skills together, build unforgettable memories and make lifelong friendships.

Count on a supportive school community

At EC, we know that when you take Erasmus+ English courses with us, a supportive learning environment is key to your success. So you can rest assured that all your teachers will provide guidance, encouragement and motivation as you improve your skills. At every EC school, you can also count on the support of a nurturing community that is deeply committed to inclusivity and diversity. You’ll always feel like you belong here, and that your unique voice is part of the global conversation.

EC の洞察と最新情報





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