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EC Cambridge

Policy Documents

Cambridge Complaints Procedure 

The emphasis in this Complaints Procedure is on informality, with the object of solving problems quickly, simply and fairly. It is hoped that the great majority of issues can be settled amicably at the First Stage, and that complaints will only exceptionally reach the Second Stage. 

EC Cambridge Staff will respond promptly to complaints and will also expect clients to keep to an agreed timetable for pursuing a complaint. 

Constructive criticism, made through student evaluation forms or in discussion with staff, is always welcome as help towards raising service levels. 

1. First Stage (Informal Complaint) 

1.1 A Client should initially make the complaint to an appropriate member of staff. If the Client is unwilling or unable to approach a member of staff, the Client should raise the matter with the relevant Head of Department. 

1.2 The object of this First Stage is to resolve problems quickly and simply with the minimum of formality. The member of staff first approached, has discretion as to how the complaint is investigated and determined but should always inform the Head of Department who will keep a record of each complainant, the nature of the complaint and how it was resolved If the complaint has been made in writing, the Head of Department will respond in writing within three days of receipt. 

2. Second Stage (Formal Complaint) 

2.1 If the matter cannot be resolved satisfactorily by the member of staff/Head of Department, the Second Stage is handled by the Centre Manager and the complaint must be made formally and in writing. 

2.2 Only in exceptional circumstances will the Centre Manager consider any complaint that has not been through the original stage. 

2.3 If the Centre Manager comes to the conclusion that the complaint has already been fairly settled at an earlier stage, or that the complaint is trivial, or wholly lacking in merit or substance, he or she may dismiss the complaint, and advise the complainant of the reasons for the decision. The Centre Manager will respond to a written complaint within ten working days of its receipt, with as full a response as possible. 

2.3.1 If the Centre Manager comes to the conclusion that there is substance in the complaint, the Centre Manager may either: 

1. Seek to resolve the complaint, in discussion with the relevant Head of Department or 

2. Submit a report on all the material facts to the Chief Operations Officer, who will resolve the matter. 

The Centre Manager will notify the complainant of this decision, in writing, within three working days of receipt of the original written complaint. 

2.4 A Client who has exhausted the above procedure but remains unsatisfied with the handling or outcome of a complaint may write to the Chief Executive Officer. Such a letter should be received within ten working days of the date of the Centre Manager’s letter (2.2 above). 

3. Harassment 

3.1 Any allegation that an employee is harassing or discriminating against a Client will be dealt with in accordance with the disciplinary arrangements provided under the terms of their contract of employment. 

4. Disciplinary Action 

4.1 There shall be no disciplinary or other adverse implications for a Client who makes a complaint or allegation providing the Client acts in good faith, within the law, and not vexatious, or with malice, and in accordance with established procedures including those above. Victimisation of a complainant and deterring anyone from making a proper complaint are serious disciplinary offence. 

5. Complaint to the British Council (as an independent external organisation) 

During any stage of the complaint procedure the Client has the right to make an official complaint in writing to the British Council an independent external organisation. 

For further information please see http://www.britishcouncil.org/accreditation-students-complaints.htm or write/ email: 

Customer Services 

Accreditation Unit 

Bridgewater House, 58 Whitworth Street, Manchester M1 6BB, UK     

Email: accreditation.unit@britishcouncil.org 

Complaints Policy UK 

EC Cambridge First Aid 


EC Cambridge’s aim is to ensure that in the event of any illness, accident or injury adequate, safe and effective First Aid is provided for every student, member of staff and visitor, no matter how minor or major. 

First Aid 

All accidents, no matter how minor or major must be reported to reception immediately. Either the Student Services or a First Aid trained member of staff will fill in the Accident Report Book which is held at the Front Desk. First Aid will only be administered by one of our First Aid trained members of staff. There will always be at least one member of staff on site who is First Aid trained. 

First Aid Trained Staff 

Staff members with a valid Emergency First Aid At Work certificate are: 

Selena Woo – Academic Supervisor 

Chris Lewis – Centre Director 

All first aiders are located on Level 3. 

Replenishment of First Aid Boxes 

Chris Lewis as the acting Health & Safety Officer is responsible for the correct and timely replenishment of all First Aid boxes/ kits. 

Health and Safety Policy UK 

E-safety Policy UK 

First Aid Policy UK 

What is Bullying and Harassment? 

Bullying and Harassment are types of abusive behaviour. This can take different forms: 

It can be physical – such as hitting or kicking or pushing 

It can be verbal – such as teasing or name-calling or threats 

It can be non-verbal – such as ignoring or excluding someone 

It can create an intimidating environment, or leave you feeling vulnerable or upset or threatened  

It can happen once, or it can be persistent. 

It could occur in your class, residence, family or homestay – or even just walking down the street. 

What is EC Cambridge’s Policy? 

Our policy is simple – we do not accept any kind of bullying or harassment, or other abusive behaviour. 

Our aim is to promote understanding and to embrace diversity. 

Don’t ignore it, tell someone! 

Please tell us if you feel you are being harassed or bullied – or if you are worried about someone else.  

You can talk to a member of staff that you feel comfortable with, or with our welfare officer – Javieria Hamid (javieriahamid@ecenglish.com) – for more advice. 

Anti-Bullying Policy 

Supervisory Policy 

Complaints Policy UK 

Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy – UK 

Provision for students with disabilities and learning difficulties Policy – UK 

ISI PFE Inspection Report 2018