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Home Blog English What Are the Basics of Learning English?

What Are the Basics of Learning English?


You cannot learn English professionally without knowing the basics of learning English and taking them into consideration during your learning journey. This is what many people who are about to learn English have realized, so they have begun to ask about the basics of learning English from scratch to start their learning journey on a sound basis. In our keenness to help you achieve your goal in the shortest way, we will answer this question and other questions that may be on your mind in the following few lines.

What are the basics of learning English from scratch?

Although there is a difference in learning methods that suit each learner more than another, there are still some basics on which the learning process is built. The language cannot be learned properly without paying attention to what is called the basics of learning the English language, and giving it the sufficient amount of time and focus. These basics are:

Learn new vocabulary

Vocabulary is the first basics of learning the English language that should be given a great deal of attention. Vocabulary is nothing but the building blocks that will later make sentences, and you will be able to use it to express yourself or what you want. So, dear student, take care to collect as much English vocabulary as possible that you encounter in different life situations, and create a small dictionary of your own, to which you refer from time to time to retrieve the vocabulary you have acquired.

Listen well and constantly

Perhaps the most important thing that makes listening as one of the basics of learning English from scratch clear to you is to remind you of the way a young child acquires his mother tongue. He begins to acquire the language by listening to his parents and then imitates what he hears. Time after time, the child acquires his linguistic fluency and is able to correctly express what is on his mind. Likewise, on your journey to learning English, you need to listen to the language from native speakers on a daily basis, to gradually acquire the language from them. Here we remind you not to be upset by your inability to understand everything you hear at first, as things will gradually improve.

Reading a lot in English

Reading is an integral part of learning a language. Through it, you can learn about English culture, acquire correct linguistic expressions, and increase your ability to construct sentences correctly. Perhaps the most important basics of learning to read in English is reading out loud every day. In doing so, you practice the articulation of letters and the way of pronunciation, which enhances your linguistic fluency with continued training.

Write daily

Writing is an integral part of the basics of learning English. It is a language skill that improves naturally with continued practice. It is worth noting that correct writing requires careful reading, which we talked about in the previous paragraph. Here we advise you to write summaries of what you read daily, and you can also write your diary in English to improve your writing skills.

Correct pronunciation of words

Pronunciation is also one of the most important basics of learning English; it helps others to understand you to a large extent, and it gives you self-confidence when speaking in front of experienced English speakers or native speakers. Therefore, being keen on learning the correct pronunciation is an indispensable necessity for most learners. Learning to pronounce English correctly has two parts: the first is listening to a native speaker, and the second is repeating what you hear yourself to practice and train.

English Grammar

Learning English grammar may seem daunting to many. However, it is in fact an indispensable necessity for anyone who wants to learn English professionally, and speak or write correctly and understandably. Here you can benefit from grammar lessons available for free on the Internet. You can also take a training course in which you will receive a comprehensive explanation of the most important English grammar rules from an experienced teacher.

What distinguishes us in providing the basics of learning the English language

After we have learned together what are the basics of learning the English language that the student should not neglect during his learning journey, we will mention together what distinguishes us in our schools when providing these basics. Among what you will find with us:

  • Fun, interactive activities ensure you effectively practice everything you’ve learned in the course.
  • Possibility of direct communication with the teacher to ask questions and inquiries.
  • Regular assessments to test how quickly you are progressing and see if you need additional support.
  • Ability to communicate and talk to colleagues in a fun and stimulating interactive environment.
  • Providing innovative curricula during the training course, and displaying a valuable set of educational resources on the MyEC platform, for the student to refer to whenever he wants and benefit from its content.

Do you want to start learning English now?

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